the real issue here has nothing to do with Palin and her family. the real issue is the clear fumble McCain has made in one of the most important decisions of his campaign. regardless of what you might think of Palin and her family's personal issues, putting them in the national or international spotlight like this was very poor decision. it is obvious that McCain did not give this decision the vetting he should have, this is when the focus is at its highest on whether he should be given a chance to run our country.
now he has the Palin sideshow going on, and it isn't going to go away soon. even if Palin bows out to focus on her family, this is one doodle McCain can't undo, homeskillet.
even with Obama promising to fire anyone in his campaign who focuses on Palin's family, the National Equirers and liberals who are not associated with the campaign will continue to bother her family.