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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. maybe you haven't seen the right preacher yet! you ever think of that?
  2. Yes, and when combined create all that is good about being alive.
  3. meth is a hell of a drug
  4. Try looking at it without her permission. Thats when the fun begins. But then, you might be called a liberal too, so watch out!
  5. C'mon. Can't you see my cookies? Yes, but I need the passwords too! Post them up, and we have a deal.
  6. Happiness is a warm gun.
  7. In case of Rapture, break glass.
  8. Do you look at porn on the Internets? I believe that was one of the questions they asked Palin!!!
  9. have you seen Poltergeist?
  10. You'll hear the brain being sucked out of your head bitch
  11. Its a big deal for sure. But I can't fathom it...he might as well have walked naked on the moon. Its amazing what people are climbing free at this level these days.
  12. stop trying to make race, sex, sexual orientation, creed, and last of all smell an issue in this election. THEY HAVE NO PLACE.
  13. that dude is doing the sprinkler dance
  14. No...he was on a much more potent cocktail
  15. You guys are just hateful.
  16. Love the pink turtle neck! Where do you get it!!???
  18. Sorry, I wasn't typing with my tongue. I'll try it though...let you know how it goes.
  19. Well, for me, it is tough being the smartest guy in the room. I feel like I have to talk down to everyone, and that is just not me. Except for when I'm in a room, of course. And no one there is smarter and stuff.
  20. i see a delicious can of tuna, brined in fresh sea salt.
  21. What did you eat? It was like a concerto in B minor.
  22. unless she actually is a P.I.G.....PRETTY INTELLIGENT GIRL!!!!!!!11 but then, if that doesn't apply, then perhaps not.
  23. i smell a Pulitzer Prize
  24. Could you imagine...The Real World: Cascade Climbers I'll see what kind of interest I can drum up.
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