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Posts posted by olyclimber

  1. Imagine climbing up some 8000m peak, and you get up right near the summit, but you fail to touch the very apex.  Like you're just feet away, and you could have reached out and touched it. Imagine this.

  2. "ban, then kill".

    Who knew.  I certainly didn't. There seems to be a certain lack of self-awareness, of just how unhinged some of these statements are.  It is a bit fascinating. But at same time, it seems like we are beating up on someone with a mental disability.  That doesn't seem right.  I really would like to have a place for the guy, but if that is all it is, i'm not sure we are doing him any good.

  3. OK! Now we're making headway.  We have something in common.  Both obsessives. 

    As an obsessive, I am also trying to save the world.  So that is two things in common.  

    So what do they call your type of people? The "obsessives" that have somehow gleaned from their own research (lets not even get into the source material for that research) that the majority of the scientific and medical world have got it wrong. And that you're right.   And the people should believe you, just because you're behave like a cockroach in outdoor forums, because you're "right".

    So I take it you're out to save the outdoor community specifically, because that is what you seem focused on?


  4. This is is no personal attack. You have to understand you’re making absolutely no headway in advancing your ideas here.  Just like you failed to do on the last website. By your own admission you piss off everyone.  I just feel sorry for you.

    just wondering what common ground we actually have. Because it would be more fun to talk about that. You do know this is a climbing board right? 

  5. But if you are banned and the thread is deleted, did you ever even exist? You’ve proven nothing other than that you’re either extremely gullible or a persistent troll.  Enough to believe the stuff you post about.  What are your credentials? Why should we believe a word you say? Because you read it on a wacko conspiracy website?  Tell us about yourself son.


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