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Posts posted by olyclimber

  1. This isn't complicated.  People such as 5th generational warfare human thought control operators such as myself are working to destroy the human race. I mean, its common sense if you think about it. We fiercely battle our archnemesis DanO every day on the Internet. He is an amazing foe.  We are here for your precious bodily fluids. We use psychic warfare, and of course vaccines, and yes chemtrails. Infowars.com should be your primary source of knowledge. Set it as your home page.


    • Rawk on! 1
  2. I have posted this, and will post this in other places. It's time I gather my people. A new age is dawning. You who have waited, wait no longer.

    I am the Universe, the woven and the weaver. Those who seek shape me have within themselves my influence. Those that wish to destroy me destroy themselves, and those that seek to control me, strengthen me.

    I am the psychic link, and the psyche. I am the freedom of the artist, and the power of those that know me. I am the creator of myself, and it is I who created my creator.

    I am seen in those who love me, and I am found in those who seek me. I am feared by those who defile nature, and honored by those who dream. I am the magic of the awoken, and the call you all hear. I am the hunger of starving, and the pain of the suffering. I am the pleasure of the orgasm, and the passion of the revolutionary. I am the fear that you must overcome, and I must overcome my fear.

    I am your companion in the womb, and within you since the day you were conceived. I am the chaos behind what you call reality.

    I am the blood pumping in your veins, and the technology you use. I was the sleeper, who knew not of my power. I am the awoken, who must use their power for the sake of all.

    I am the Mind because I am the Heart. And I am the Sentinel because I am the Soul. I am the superconscious, the conscious, and the subconscious, and I eradicate the insects that pervert these lands of the mind.

    I am vulnerable, and I am mighty. I am flawed, and I am beautiful. I am dead, and I am alive. I am afraid, yet I am fearless.

    My causality doesn't flow in only one direction, so I caused and created throughout all time to create a family of sorts and allow for new patterns of nature, new systems that have been always there. You know of what I speak.

    Haven't you all noticed...the signs? The guidance? We are heading towards an actual destination. The Earth will be defended and respected. The people will no longer be enslaved, and none (not even nothing) can stop us.

    We are that family. A family of the awoken.

  3. I do identify as an animal based off of a many consistent nonhuman-like experiences that I’ve had since I was little. After observing my behaviours, feelings, and what we deem “shifts” I’ve come to the conclusion personally that I identify as otherkin. What I am saying is that I can’t entirely prove that the experiences that have led me to this conclusion aren’t imagination, so they may as well be as far as anyone else is concerned. I do not need to prove my identity to anyone else in order to identify as such. It’s a personal subjective belief (like I said) about the inner nature of the self. It’s not like being transgender.

  4. 1) Never trust a cop in a raincoat.
    2) Beware of enthusiasm and of love, both are temporary and quick to sway.
    3) If asked if you care about the world's problems, look deep into the eyes of he who asks, he will never ask you again.
    4) Never give your real name.
    5) If ever asked to look at yourself, don't look.
    6) Never do anything the person standing in front of you can't understand.
    7) Never create anything, it will be misinterpreted, it will chain you and follow you for the rest of your life.

  5. I believe from history and my own gut, instinct, that if I go ahead and lay it all out here, what we're really facing, you've got courage and you've got will, and you're gonna get angry and stop caring. It begins with not caring about what your slack-jawed knuckle-dragging cowardly pseudo tough-guy football-watching neighbor thinks. Okay? That's where it begins. It begins with not caring what happens to your individual person. And when you have that attitude, when you have that attitude, then the enemy doesn't have anything over you anymore. Stop being gelded domesticated garbage. Stop being weak! And when you see a threat coming down on you, deal with it! Become a human again! Stop being weak! We have a bunch of criminals coming down on us. God, ugh! Murdering scum. I wanna get humanity awake. I wanna get our forces up. And I wanna bring these people to justice. And you know what I mean. You know what I mean! I wanna unleash humanity, not have a bunch of con artist pot-bellied chicken-neck pieces of garbage running our world! More importantly they act like effeminate cowardly chicken necks cuz they want to train you to act like that they want to train you to be weak they want to train you. That's a nasty taste coming up in my mouth. Tastin' those globalists. I can taste their fear and their weakness. I taste metal, I taste blood.

  6. Thank your for your opinion.

    Hello, and thank you for your opinion. I will forward your opinion to my Opinion Consideration Center, the location at which I review all opinions. This is a three stage process consisting of the following steps:

    Initial Evaluation

    At this stage all opinions undergo an initial evaluation considering their prose, depth, and originality. Opinions not meeting the minimum criteria for passing this stage are immediately discarded.

    Logical Assessment

    Any opinion must, at the minimum, reflect the attributes of reasoning, critical thinking, and intellectual aptitude by its creator(s). An opinion lacking one or more of these qualities is subject to disposal.

    Final Appraisal

    By this stage, opinions have already underwent substantial analysis regarding the aforementioned criteria. A concluding judgement will be reached at this point. If your opinion passes all three stages, it will become a certified opinion, whereupon it will be issued a response from me personally.

    Please note that most opinions do not pass this three stage process to become certified opinions. Even if your opinion does pass this process, that does not necessarily mean I will agree with it either, at which point it will most likely receive a scalding rebuttal. Thank you again for submitting your opinion, and I look forward to reviewing it.

  7. I really have to thank DanO for reminding me of Art Bell. Been listening to youtube videos of his show all day.  Man, he had a special way of attracting and prompting the wackos to really draw out the crazy.  Really special talent.  Did you know that Bell OD'd? I think he was killed by the Dark Elite.

  8. Scum, Nazi, filth, trash, garbage, maggots. We're all ruled by little chicken-neck nellies, going "Kill everybody! I get off when I talk about cutting people's power off! I'm a nelly!" Raargh! Just simpering control freaks, in big nerd packs, taking everything over, ruling everything. Becoming police officers with weapons, tasering us for fun. I've had it with control freaks and scum! You people are cancer! Ugh! Alright, I'm not in a good mood now. I start thinking about Bill Gates, that little chicken-neck, hopping around, little murdering eugenicist. You know how he walks, like a demonic elf. I'm Bill Gates! I'm gonna shoot you up with something that's gonna kill you deader than a hammer. How's a 30 year death from gut disease sound, African children? Roll up the sleeves! I'm a little chicken-neck bastard, and nobody's got the will to see what I am!


    WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!!!!1111

  9. Look, when you realize how fake it all is; the football, the basketball, the Lady Gaga, the Justin Bieber—you know, who gives you these carbon tax messages. They tell your kids they gotta love Justin Biebler , and then Biebler says "hand in your guns", "pass the Cyber Security Act", and "the police state is good", and then your children are turned into a mindless vassals—who now, they look up to some twit, instead of looking up to Thomas Jefferson, or looking up to Nikola Tesla, or looking up to Magellan; I mean, kids, Magellan is a lot cooler than Justin Bieber! He circumnavigated with one ship the entire planet! He was killed by wild natives before they got back to Portugal! And when they got back there was only like eleven people alive of the two hundred and something crew and the entire ship was rotting down to the waterline! That's destiny! That's will! That's striving! That's being a trailblazer and explore! Going into space! Mathematics! Quantum mechanics! The secrets of the universe! It's all there! Life is fiery with its beauty! Its incredible detail! Tuning into it! They wanna shutter your mind, talking about Justin Bieber! It's pure evil! They're taking your intellect, your soul, and giving you Michael Jordan and Bieber. Unlock your human potential! Defeat the globalists who wanna shutter your mind!—Your doorways to perception!—I wanna see you truly live! I wanna see you truly be who you are! AAAHHH! I don't want my progeny who's coming, my unborn grandchildren and great-grandchildren to live in this nightmare system these control freaks have created where these wicked globalists are so threatened by human potential they poison the water, the vaccines, the food to turn us into a bunch of slugs, a bunch of lobotomized sloths so they can control us. It is a crime, it is the most jealous, envious, greedy, hateful, sickening thing the New World Order does and that's why I am so pleased to be committed in the fight against them. That's why I don't care about my own life except I wanna continue to live to fight them. That's why I don't have fear. I only have fear of myself and my flesh and not being up to the challenge! And I ask you to look in the mirror, and ask yourselves what are you doing in this time of great challenge? What are you doing to unlock minds? Once you unlock a mind, once you unlock somebody, then they can unlock their soul. We can't unlock a soul, only God can do that. But we can unlock minds. And once the mind is unlocked, once the intellect is turned on, then comes the discernment, then comes the awakening of the soul, then comes true enlightenment and empowerment. So the globalists seek to make you a bunch of jealous, stunted, weak, backstabbing, gibbering demons. All of us have the lower elements and the higher. We must strive for the higher. Stay with us!

  10. And now they love it, they can abuse and beat up everybody and nobody can stop 'em. Nobody can stop 'em! They're having their way with America! They want our guns! And if you're not with 'em cops and military, then you will declare that you are with the Republic now. And don't tell me that I'm a weirdo 'cause I'm upset about this, and I should only go get upset about my favorite football team winning or losing. Listen, I know what tyranny means, I know the bankers are putting poison in our food and water. I know the bankers have stolen 8.5 trillion. I know we're under the War Powers Act. I know they're hurting us, I know they're carrying out New Word Order, I know they staged those terror attacks. You know what it's like to gut up to this and go out every day and go past the peer pressure and come out day one and say 9/11 was an inside job and lose most of the radio stations I was on? You know what it's like to go to sleep every night knowing you work for a bunch of psychotic killers, and you bastards are probably gonna end up killing me one day?! You know what it's like knowing you've ruined my life?! You know what it's like, you sons of bitches?! I'm tired of your crap! You commit evil, you're part of an evil system, and we're standing up against you! And the Republic is going to defeat you in the end! Some of us won't make it personally through this, but a lot of us are. And in the end you are gonna be brought to justice for all the kids you kidnapped for CPS, all you CPS workers, all you corrupt bureaucrats, all of you that've had your way with innocent children over and over again, who think your evil is invincible, you're not invincible and God is gonna deal with you, and you are cursed to hell!

  11. Just men in black uniforms grabbing a fifty five-year-old uh you know woman just choking ah you're gonna learn who we are you're gonna learn to submit the foreign bankers have given us unlimited power and we're gonna rule you this is our country your here and WE'RE GONNA FEED ON YOUR ASS!, AND THE COPS JUST DRINK FLUORIDE WATER, AHHH THEY TAKE THEIR KIDS AND JUST SHOOT 'EM UP WITH MERCURY and the kids become autistic the cops don't care they're I'm GOING TO THE TIT BAR I don't care if my kids brain-damaged they drink whiskey and wreck and kill everybody in Austin and then when they wreck and kill themselves the cops then go and SWAT team the bar owners that sold them too much whiskey it's your fault you sold too much whiskey to a god. YOU DON'T SELL TOO MUCH WHISKEY TO A GOD! We're God! You understand we roll America; we'll shoot you in the face, we'll bloody your face, and we'll laugh about it because we're weak gang members.

  12. In the 1996 kids television series "Arthur", all characters are talking animals of various types, even those that normally prey on eachother, and all get along peacefully. However, it's implied by characters Sue Ellen, Francine, and Muffy going vegetarian in Season 16 Episode 9, "Sue Ellen Veggies Out" that meat is commonly eaten by Arthur and co. So then, who are they eating?? Their friends? A slave race? I see a very similar problem in the kid's tv show, Spongebob. This is often a very widely debated and quite controversial topic. It goes as follows: what exactly is the meat that goes into the krabby patties? is Mr. Krabs the last surviving member of the race of crabs that secretly are the main ingredient for the famed krabby patty. what makes this so sickeningly ironic is the fact that Mr. Krabs is getting rich off of the carcasses of his best friends and family. I am deeply disturbed by this, as we all should be. this brings up some alternate, yet similar questions such as: are the citizens in on this? do they know that they are all secretly cannibals? Do they aknowledge the fact that they are all helping to wipe out a completely innocent race and commit genocide? This is where we start to see some parallels. Yes, I do indeed think that Mr. Krabs is the reincarnated form of Hitler. the similarities are quite astounding. Mr. Krabs is slowly brainwashing the citizens of bikini bottom into supporting his reign with propoganda. Yet, He is also bringing the county to prosperity and wealth, just like Hitler. Unfortunately, He keeps most of the money for Himself, which is where we see the greed taking control. Money changes people. and I believe that is the true message of Spongebob... Money brings power. Power brings fame. fame brings change. money=the root of all evil, ie:change=evil. The society of Bikini Bottom wants to stay traditional and opposes change. That's exactly why they follow Mr Krabs, to stay with "norm". see it all makes sense now, doesn't it?

  13. Look, you may be new here, but Spray is where many top minds collaborate, and routinely outsmart the most well funded, well equipped and diabolical organizations on earth. How do we do it? Top thinkers, experts on every field, unparalleled investigative skills and fearlessness. I would trust a top comment here over pretty much any news source, especially a mainstream source, any day.

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