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Posts posted by olyclimber

  1. On 2/5/2021 at 4:56 PM, JasonG said:

    EXACTLY :lmao:

    Let me know when you are looking to get out this year @olyclimber.  Would be fun to get out!  I need Mt. Anderson still.....

    If I can get in good enough shape to keep up with you, i'm working on it.  I'm mostly planning on re-climbing some of my favorites this summer:  Mt. Stone for the 4th or 5th time (hope to tag Skokomish while I'm there), maybe the South Brother again,   maybe finally go down and climb Ellinor and Washington which I've never went for, I've done pretty much all the other east edge peaks.  Also planning on hiking up to the lookout at Desolation with the guy who own Easy Street Records and perving on that view.  I don't have lists like you guys, i just want to be up in the alpine scrambling around, especially in the little peaks in the Olympics.  I remember when me and my little brother tried to climb Carrie in winter, I think there may even be a trip report on here about that...we just ran out of day light but it was a great memory.  Try to find the ruins of that old cabin back up in there, wonder if a trace is left?  I also want to hike the Skyline Trail of on the south west side, never done that either. Also want to do this:  DD2 - Royal Basin to Constance Pass - Climbers Guide to the Olympic Mountains (climbersguideolympics.com)

  2. What is also  nuts (along with  this guy) is the number of people that discard Occums Razor, and embrace the most wack ass theories imaginable. Yes there has always been crazy people, but it sure seems like their number is growing. For amusement I did used to listen to Art Bell’s show for the crazies that  would call in. Now CC.com has our very own albeit only because he got booted off the other site(s).  That show long lost  it’s appeal to me. It sure seems at times like to collective American mind is rotting on the edges. Or maybe there are just more ways for crazy people to express their ideas online.  I really kind of feel sorry for this guy, but I don’t think there is any treating this condition . I mean, I love making fun of the crazy ideas being spewed, and all for the free exchange of crazy ideas, because sometimes it’s the crazy ideas that turn the world on its ear. But just not this brand of crazy ideas. This seems to be some mental illness. One that puts the person suffering from it and those that must suffer his output in a weird position because it will never get treated.  But it would be nice if he would donate his brain to the black elite… whoops…I mean the medical community to study for anomalies when he passes as we all do.

  3. 3 hours ago, KaskadskyjKozak said:

    so are you saying you wouldn't tie-in with this guy?

    Could you imagine? Mid-pitch: “gravity is just a lie made up by the dark elite, this rope is just meant to tie us down and subject us to their lies. As such I have cut to rope to pieces. You can thank me later.”

  4. What kind of psychosis is this?  It is kind of fascinating. Do you think this guy functions enough to hold down a job?  Or does he live in his mom’s basement? Imagine if he had a job where e people had to depend on him.  Or even just having to share a work space with him…would you you hear about the “dark elite” on a daily basis? I imagine he drives a garbage truck, and his co-workers wear earplugs to cut out the noise. 

    • LMAO 1
  5. After the Great Punic wars, the rubble that was left, and the husks of humanity were strewn, tattered and the collective unconscious was worn to a frayed and threadbare mess. Here are some links to so wack conspiracy websites which will complement my prose delightfully. Does my round red nose offend you fools? Do the research and wake up sheeple!!!

  6. From the Wenzel (Wal-Mart) Wenzel Starlight product description:


    "[starlight] is highly weatherproof and very durable, but it is a shelter – not a tent – and so puts only a single layer of [impermiable] fabric between you and the elements.... [The] single wall design is, by nature, more prone to condensation than a double wall tent. To combat this, we put no-see-um mesh into the the top third of the door to promote cross ventilation."


    This is a brilliant design innovation, worth every penny. But the coated floor will trap condensation to a greater extent than floorless designs.

  7. 9 hours ago, StevenSeagal said:

    Regarding "doing the research", is there any difference between, say, reading Dan's links over and over again until assimilation is complete, versus watching Human Centipede on repeat for three days straight?

    It’s all about joining the centipede and feeding on the “alternate facts” that could only come one source. An ass. And then passing that on to the next fella.

    • That's funny! 1
  8. The point and sole purpose of mountain climbing is to reach the peak, the true apex. Only then is the mission successful. All else should be considered failure and should be mocked and ridiculed.

    • Like 1
    • Rawk on! 1
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