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Posts posted by olyclimber

  1. Look at you complete low IQ tool suggesting for him to be a slave to memes like "incel" and niceguy." All the while believing yourself not to be a slave. Kek. Do you enjoy looking at burn victims, too? Tattoos look absolutely horrible on anyone.

    And why do you think the guy you cited cares about girls in particular? Because, hey, guys have an inherent desire to protect girls. Based on sentiments such as family and community, you utterly anti-social POS. And they have this even without wanting to have sex with the girl. And if a girl defaces herself, maybe only because of a degenerate Western "trend," then it should sadden you. Doesn't make you an "incel" or "niceguy." As a matter of fact, it makes you a normal guy, whereas a guy who only wants sex will care little about what you do with your body. Of course you're probably too emotionally stunted as to understand this. Hence why you run around on CC.com spouting low IQ (and low EQ) memes. And your ASPD/psychopathy is also the reason you can only think about sex. And think wanting to protect a girl has to be only for reasons of sex.

    Indeed, my idiocratic low IQ memer, it is YOU who is a niceguy and projects, while "white-knighting" (ooo, a meme) like the sucker/tool you are. (More insults here I can't insert for filter reasons)

    E: Oh wait, are you a girl? Your father trying to educate you at all, instead of letting you completely destroy yourself during your rebellious teenage phase, was likely a "niceguy," too, wasn't he? Or was your father absent? Were you raised by a "stronk" single mother? Amazing... this Western Cascade Climber idiocracy. (Or maybe you're a femcel? Only meeting shitty guys. By virtue of being "stronk" and "rebellious." Such that no person who isn't a "niceguy" would get anywhere near you. Deluded and brainwashed feminist dirt.)

  2. Any Corporations want to colonize Antartica?

    Any Countries want to colonize Antartica?

    Does anyone want to colonize Antartica?

    No? Ok lets colonize the Ocean. Kinda makes sense, it’s 70% of the damn surface area of Earth. Make Floating Cities on the Ocean Waters. Also the Flooding part of Global Warming would kinda of be solved. Also Netherlands would be reborn as Water Cities. So, why is nobody fucking doing it. It’s goddamn common sense man. We have boats for crying outload, you’d think we’d have Water Cities a long time ago. Fucking Mankind wanting to go to the Moon and Mars and shit. Good idea and i support that whole space shit, BUT FUCKING INVEST IN THE DAMNED OCEAN! Humanity is dumb! 70% of the Surface of Earth is free realestate! And we haven’t got anything there yet! What is it? The Cost? Is there no funding for it? I’d fund the fuck out of it. If no one is funding it Mankind is doomed. It would proove we are the dumbest species on this planet. No, not the planet, the entire universe. 70% of the Earth’s Surface is free for the taking, and nobody is funding these projects for Water Cities.

    Actually, all of this reminds me, WHY DOES NASA HAVE SO LITTLE DAMN FUNDING?!!!!!





  3. Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow."

    Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that.

    As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing.

    If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens.

    So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too.

    Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't.

    It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?

  4. 4 minutes ago, StevenSeagal said:

    The problem is that trying to debate this nut job is lose-lose. Agreeing with him confirms what he already knew. Disagreeing with him also confirms what he already knows which is that almost everyone is insane, except for him, as he is part of a very small- one might say elite?- group of the woke who are on to what “they” are doing and he has learned all of it from neo Nazi websites and citations from discredited wackos like veterinarians, osteopaths, naturopaths, and disgraced former academics who somehow got a PhD  but have been stripped of their teaching and medical credentials for gross misconduct and spreading disinformation.  In addition, disagreeing with him violates his first amendment rights and elevates him further into the victimhood status that he thrives on. 

    The only appropriate interaction with him is open ridicule, At least that’s fun. 

     Yeah, that is the only fun.  Hey,  you want to know another fun thing to do?  When you're having a face to face conversation with someone, don't look in their eyes. Focus instead on their forehead the whole time.   Really intently listen, but just focus on the forehead. And when you talk back to them,  be sure to double whatever their voice volume is.

  5. On 2/5/2021 at 4:56 PM, JasonG said:

    EXACTLY :lmao:

    Let me know when you are looking to get out this year @olyclimber.  Would be fun to get out!  I need Mt. Anderson still.....

    If I can get in good enough shape to keep up with you, i'm working on it.  I'm mostly planning on re-climbing some of my favorites this summer:  Mt. Stone for the 4th or 5th time (hope to tag Skokomish while I'm there), maybe the South Brother again,   maybe finally go down and climb Ellinor and Washington which I've never went for, I've done pretty much all the other east edge peaks.  Also planning on hiking up to the lookout at Desolation with the guy who own Easy Street Records and perving on that view.  I don't have lists like you guys, i just want to be up in the alpine scrambling around, especially in the little peaks in the Olympics.  I remember when me and my little brother tried to climb Carrie in winter, I think there may even be a trip report on here about that...we just ran out of day light but it was a great memory.  Try to find the ruins of that old cabin back up in there, wonder if a trace is left?  I also want to hike the Skyline Trail of on the south west side, never done that either. Also want to do this:  DD2 - Royal Basin to Constance Pass - Climbers Guide to the Olympic Mountains (climbersguideolympics.com)

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