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Posts posted by olyclimber

  1. 3 hours ago, JasonG said:

    Well, I trust @Bronco is just trying the "choose files" option at the bottom of the little box here and is running into size issues?  I always re-size from Lightroom when I do TRs so I haven't ever had issues.  Also, I don't have an iPhone.  That also seems to be an issue, those HEIC files.

    @Bronco I hear they make these pumps. anyway,  the nice girls say that its how you use it, not the size.

    Yeah, likely you'll need to convert from HEIC to something else. Sorry.

    Let me try to upload a big picture to see the big picture.

  2. ah jimney crickets guys it works. i swear i did some instructions on how to do this a while back.  WHY CAN'T YOU GUYS JUST FIGURE IT OUT??????

    I'm just so slammed with work these days.  I think @jon  just doesn't have a lot of time either.   But I still do love you guys.  I just gotta pay the bills. Kid is at the UW soaking up all my money.

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