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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


  2. why don'tcha go put on ya jimmy hat, ya tossa
  3. like the Democrats have that sewn up
  4. pretty much...can't you do better than that??? hey...when are you taking your kids to the club??? kids don't belong in night clubs. They should wait till they are 21 or older, and really should wait their they are a little more mature...like 26 or so.
  5. that is a great speech from a great movie
  6. cocky for a broad, aren't ya? you know RumR, since he hasn't had any, he might be impedant.
  7. olyclimber


    supposedly pic is from West Seattle, near the junction. shortly after 2 banks were held up, 1 licker store robbed, and a whole convent of nuns became pregnant.
  8. does their little TV logo remind you of the Iwo Jima pic or a Communist propaganda poster?
  9. Dude, all of those are old stale news sites. The DailyKos spews TRUTH with out regard to your opinions! http://www.dailykostv.com/w/001852/
  10. You can read an account by Curt's son about the accident here: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/curthaire/journal
  11. olyclimber


  12. olyclimber


    just came across this quote while reading PMs: Cascadeclimbers.com is an interesting place full of great people who make up for the fact that it also has people who want to dress up as Benjamin Franklin and have you shove balsa wood airplanes up their assholes while they blow farm animals.
  13. Matt, I can always go up there and take some pictures too. Just let me know what you're looking for.
  14. olyclimber


    This guy could have been a male model, but instead took the route of being a Jehovah Witness. Either that, or it was a front for casing houses for robberies.
  15. olyclimber


    a Jehovah just came by and warned me that the end of days is near. you can prepare by attending something at the Tacoma dome. Don't say you were not warned.
  16. I might add that it also give you a chance to show off those calves you been working so hard on conditioning. More pics please!
  17. is kevbones brother posting now?
  18. a lot of people here bag on this fashion, but i've been thinking about it alot lately. it seems like its probably the most efficient summertime dress of the northwest. you see, you have the shorts for wearing during the day and when things are warmer...put at night or if the brush/conditions warrent it, you just slip the polypro underneath and wham! you're fully protected and its a great warmth retainer. its much more efficient than bringing both shorts and pants, and those pants that have the legs zip off are super, super DORKEY and prone to failure. what if the zipper breaks? that could be the difference between a good trip and a bad one. better to rely on the old standard. plus polypro clings to the legs providing better aerodynamics.
  19. olyclimber


    Sounds like someone would prefer California!
  20. olyclimber


    [video:youtube]xG6PkPFGTjY [video:youtube]FRsXHDYXafM [video:youtube]OcIMvliWM2I [video:youtube]T8fjo9JYrjc [video:youtube]c-L8mSyVY64
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