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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Strange that Obama's Grand mother who supposidly was with his mother at his birth in Kenya died in a nursing home in HI just before the election. Strange how none of his college records can be released. They might show he was entered as a foreign student. Why would he spend over a million $$$$ to defend and stop all inquiries? A forged piece of paper in HI is now suppose to put this all to rest?
  2. favorite from the comments so far:
  3. this is a fake for sure. why else would they redact the certificate number???????????!!!????????1 http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics/blog/2009/07/obama_hawaiianborn_hawaii_insi.html
  4. Peter, is that fellow at USSM such a sad sack? These Mr. Z moves are golden, and will result in October baseball in Seattle for years to come.
  5. olyclimber

    GI Joe!

    you lack discipline
  6. olyclimber

    GI Joe!

  7. it's spelled "moran"
  8. olyclimber

    GI Joe!

    i'm a neural net processor
  9. you have amazing observational skills. keep up the good work.
  10. olyclimber

    GI Joe!

    i'm a computer
  11. HAI GAIS!!!
  12. if lance didn't twitter it, it didn't happen. anyway, the LION KING is here for you guys to service him!
  13. olyclimber

    GI Joe!

  14. olyclimber


    good for you! coming back from something like that is not easy for everyone. it is good to be up.
  15. all those men, all those tights
  16. I've got a fast car! Have you got a ticket to anywhere?
  17. why you being so hard on South Seattle bug? try sleeping out in Lynnwood. Or how about on Lake Shitty?
  18. but i do agree that if i was picking them now, contador would be my expert opinion as favorite. i do hope the schleck bro figures out how to time trial though so it will at least be an interesting race. if anyone has any other questions they would like to ask an expert, ask away!
  19. dude this is a climbing board. thanks for putting in your 'spert prediction. oh, and you're not funny either
  20. stupid mlb
  21. lets go! we need more voters4traskz!
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