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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Also, bring water. The snow fields don't last long up there and the stream is unpredictable.
  2. I've been there. Its a dense forest of hair under there. Definitely Grade VI.
  3. Anyway, jefe had to go run back under his mom's skirt.
  4. I'm better looking than that.
  5. bahhahaha.....YOU WANNA GO BITCH? I can spray you under the table you little weasel.
  6. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/900938/Need_H2O_beta_WR_Stuart#Post900938
  7. This question was asked and answered in the past couple of days.
  8. What about Freedom Freeing a route? Is that cool?
  9. Has anyone been up to the Tooth lately? I was wondering what the conditions are like up there.
  10. rudy, looks like you and me need to get together and go climb das toof and post the 914th trip report on cc.com about our adventure on what is clearly washington's most sought-after summit. then maybe we'll get some cred with jake porker et al. i don't give a shit what you do. but why don't you shut the fuck up about people who do write trip reports mmmkay?
  11. I'm afraid their contribution has already been well documented. Prepare for regurgitation.
  12. well certainly not sharing any trip reports is no measure of climbing prowess or knowledge. but it does make you wonder why that person is here in the first place. i suppose it is to take a turd on the contributions of others. good job with that, you're awesome.
  13. U GAIS R JOKE!!! [video:youtube]mMjsIVX8kWs
  14. [video:youtube]31DOyWR-K3M
  15. just don't break out the biscuit guys
  16. I'm pretty sure you lose if you can answer correctly.
  17. that just hate it when anyone has an climbing idol other than themselves. Go Raindawg! Go Pope! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!
  18. you gais must be pretty happy with this vanity thread! surely all this publicity has furthered your cause!
  19. Gynaen Pie
  20. hhahahahahhahaha
  21. you mean the american people. you know...your country? the one that elected Obama?
  22. which was harvested for him by the Socialist Death Panel.
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