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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. oh! oh! oh! are you complaining about a politicians speaking ability? [video:youtube]lzWdJ_Px5qY
  2. you mean a WHACK-OFF??????
  3. wow you're going to ride that one off into the sunset aren't you. a politician doing double speak??? BREAKING NEWS!!!
  4. ok you got me. in that there will be "liberal" as in "many" changes with his proposed system!
  5. describing his writings as "liberal" is pretty funny. you should look up the word in the dictionary!
  6. anarcho-primitivist...not a liberal or even close. closer to being libertarian if anything.
  7. Weather is looking stellar for Ropeup. http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=Leavenworth&state=WA&site=OTX&textField1=47.5964&textField2=-120.66&e=0
  8. Nice...thanks for the hard work putting this together guys. It really is a first class publication.
  9. the Caucasian population, as of 2015.
  10. i was too busy chowing down on buckets of greasy fried chocolate covered bacon and crispy creme chicken sandwiches. my review will be delivered on the 29th, and i'll be sure to chat up Paula.
  11. http://www.chicagotribune.com/health/chi-thu-problem-briana-rice-sep17,0,807488,full.column
  12. Yes, and that is what the Death Panels will decide. ok Palin, whatever you say.
  13. those that believe in evolution can't be for universal healthcare. it totally ruins natural selection after all.
  14. yes. only those who are worthy should get it.
  15. what about deep fried chocolate covered bacon?
  16. bad news [video:youtube]IPYbPsvOnX8
  17. did he look hot?
  18. olyclimber


    yeah but wazzu can party. not that they have a chance in the apple cup this year. but they'll be drunker than you.
  19. were you "pretty sure" Obama would get us out of Iraq too? nothing to say here. onward champ!
  20. well the PNW climbing community is well connected in Washington now. i'm pretty sure it will be the opposite. the only way you'll be getting care with Obamacare is if you ARE a climber.
  21. are you a private dick?
  22. you might as well be telling them..."i'm a risk fueled adrenaline junkie....how much do you charge to insure that?". i'm pretty sure you can find rock climbing insurance...but it won't be cheap. i have never heard of a company asking that question, but if you volunteer it, i'm sure they will walk away or triple your rates. it is the insurance racket...i mean industry.
  23. olyclimber


    the huskies are going to the superbowl this year. when that field goal went through i lost control of my bowels for 15 minutes.
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