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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. they told me it was a limo because i am too awesome for the regular bus.
  2. olyclimber


    I'm going down to the Department of Agriculture to sign up for that job killing flying rats.
  3. i did that groveling perverse traverse at index in my chacos this summer and tore the crap out of my legs and feet.
  4. I'm proud to be a North American, where at least I know I'm free. Not like that stupid ass South America goosestepping commie nazi brownshirt marxist cesspool.
  5. We are also way more American than other Americans.
  6. holy cow....i liked the superman suit better.
  7. if i get sick, don't want my house repo'd.
  8. look at all you libtards ganging up on whitey. LOLZ.
  9. except when they don't have any other choice for getting to school.
  10. was it a single malt bolt?
  11. i bet he hated you.
  12. i don't think "segregated buses" are going to do the trick. my bet is that "hate crime" will still happen even then.
  13. [video:youtube]sVxM5IBLeU4
  14. maybe they were just making up for the fact that their great grandparents were slaves. in the PUBLIC even. i'm sure in a PRIVATE school on PRIVATE buses it would have been much different. mostly in that there would have been no african american kids to worry about for that poor white kid. not a good situation anyway for the poor kid that got his ass beat. that sucks.
  15. http://www.kuow.org/program.php?id=18390
  16. in other news, guess which country will be the next in the world with a Canadian style healthcare system?
  17. damn that sucks ass. i have screws in my tibia going into a metal pipe running the length of it after snapping my tib/fib a couple year back now...and i still notice them. i would suggest talking with your doctor about getting the metal removed after stuff heals if possible. i wish i had.
  18. what about being a dumbfuck....that being inborn...is it acceptable?
  19. olyclimber


    sorry....thats the largest i have. here is a smaller on though.
  20. olyclimber

    Corn picture

  21. olyclimber


    hahhahaha check out the guy behind the kid to the right of obama...
  22. i'd say you'd be better off buying her a gym membership. they'll have more type of equipment so she can mix it up. plus she'll be able to meet some cool dudes and duddettes to workout with there too.
  23. there is time to correct with the youth, for old bastards its best to let nature hew them as it must.
  24. i smell excitement.
  25. I just got done painting my whole house with aerosol paint. The shit is great and it comes in different colors.
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