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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/north_east/8278312.stm
  2. FIFY
  3. this may just be one of your last opportunities to see felix in an Mariners uniform!
  4. Peter guess what? Tomorrow is Felix day, and guess who will be right behind homeplate eating caviar off an escort's backside? Yeah! Me and my family!
  5. there were many wimminfolk there. more than some previous ropeups at least!
  6. heh..."For the Strong" = Terminal Gravity IPA "For the Weak" = Terminal Gravity ESG both were awesome.
  7. The middle video here has his last sighting http://www.isofa.tv/?vk=BudhFVnN2o0
  8. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,26135072-401,00.html
  9. terrifying. wow...rescued in 4 minutes...that is insane.
  10. what the hell?
  11. so, johndavidjr, see your picture on the "people of walmart" website yet? i think i saw you on there!
  12. nice slideshow John! glad to see you got out and had some fun on Saturday after anchoring the campfire on friday night!
  13. snake chilling at hobo camp
  14. solid Ropeup! that was a great weekend, lots of faces new and old to me. we pretty near emptied both kegs, so i appreciate all who did me the favor of emptying them so i would not throw out my back loading them up into my truck. also, an IMPRESSIVE number of Polish sausages were consumed. more later, but a big thanks to: Steve @ Terminal Gravity!!!!! Sol (Slideshow +he passed the hat for the Index Fund!) Who ever loaned the laptop for Sol's slideshow Wayne (movies + years of supporting the ropeup with slideshows) Telemarker (Slideshow with a a couple of "bonus" slides) Marcin (projector and laptop) Geoff for the screen Britta for making breakfast Sobo and Kurt and others for sticking around to help me close out the campsite "leave no trace" style. all that lended a hand when something needed to be done. Everyone who showed up. this was one of a my favorite ropeups todate to put on. I really like the Bridge Creek groupsite, and the work I did in clarifying our image with the campground host and the Forest Service paid off I think. we also had a good campfire both Friday and Saturday night, and many many lies were swapped i'm sure. unfortunately the group that showed up may have permanently ruined CC.com's reputation for being a bunch of near'do-wells.
  15. Climbing @ secret spot in the tumwater canyon. Perfect temps, 0 clouds. Special moments.
  16. Weather is amazing out here. Just rolled in to ltown! Omfg!
  18. doh! i almost forgot the Costco Polish sausages i also have Pancake mix for those that want to make pancakes Saturday or Sunday morning. no syrup, but i have a package of butter. also i think i have a pan for those, but you might want to bring one just in case. can someone bring an extension cord so i can set the generator well away?
  19. This is important! Don't park on vegetation! I've worked hard to make this weekend possible, so lets not piss off the Forest Service and Campground host!
  20. Some things to bring: 1. Something to share for eating on Saturday night. 2. Stove and pot to boil some Costco polish sausages Sat. night 3. Can anyone bring a really long extension cord? Need to keep the generator out in the woods. 4. FIREWOOD! 5. If you have pictures you want to show of the Enchantments/Stuart, bring them. We'll have a laptop. I think Wayne might be showing his movies, and telemarker will be showing some pics. As time permits, we'll show other stuff. We'll start around dusk or so. Don't forget that Sol & Co. are showing tomorrow night. that will be a very cool show of new quality local climbing, don't miss it. 10pm tomorrow night. I'm getting ready to take off with a truck full of party. See you up there if you're going! Otherwise have fun at John's thing down in PDX, or on your own up in the mtns on this most awesome weekend!
  21. Might have been...but i don't have the book lying around to confirm.
  22. we're all from the same tribe, brah
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