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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. well the real reason pete couldn't make it is because he quit climbing and drinking.
  2. thanks for the link pete. check out this pic of Jon G! What a bastard! What about the Octokids??? And poor whats her name.
  3. do you think this circus tent would work well for Ropeup 2010? http://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/spo/1395732661.html
  4. Cool...good to know. I'll add it in when i get a moment and drop you a note if there is some video you want to share from there.
  5. it could have been worse
  6. I hadn't heard of a lot of people doing that, but if there are people out there that want to use facebook video to embed here, I can make it happen.
  7. is it Saturday morning? [video:youtube]fUq9hynzCVo
  8. Yeah, Hitler, Stalin, and the FCC. Jeez, where have you been?
  9. I immediately thought of Dr. Evil. imagine the damage if such a tool fell into the wrong hands!
  10. yeah. history is full of brilliant people like that. i don't think any of his work makes up for this.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotland/north_east/8278312.stm
  12. FIFY
  13. this may just be one of your last opportunities to see felix in an Mariners uniform!
  14. Peter guess what? Tomorrow is Felix day, and guess who will be right behind homeplate eating caviar off an escort's backside? Yeah! Me and my family!
  15. there were many wimminfolk there. more than some previous ropeups at least!
  16. heh..."For the Strong" = Terminal Gravity IPA "For the Weak" = Terminal Gravity ESG both were awesome.
  17. The middle video here has his last sighting http://www.isofa.tv/?vk=BudhFVnN2o0
  18. http://www.news.com.au/story/0,27574,26135072-401,00.html
  19. terrifying. wow...rescued in 4 minutes...that is insane.
  20. what the hell?
  21. so, johndavidjr, see your picture on the "people of walmart" website yet? i think i saw you on there!
  22. nice slideshow John! glad to see you got out and had some fun on Saturday after anchoring the campfire on friday night!
  23. snake chilling at hobo camp
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