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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Thanks everyone for the interest! Steph and I will have a page for you to order, probably as early as next week. Keep on checking this thread, as we'll link to that page when its ready. There will also be an advert to the left. This will be a limited run, so if you know anyone who might want one be sure to let them know!
  2. [video:youtube]yo3uxqwTxk0
  3. its a wierd game, thats for sure. i'm ok your ok i'm ok your ok....and you have to really believe it too!
  4. lol actually i did eat a baconhamburger for lunch. it could be, but more likely just whatever viral gift my son brought home for me from school.
  5. [video:youtube]ru67U0eyOGw
  6. i'm going to bed. sickness becomes me.
  7. [video:youtube]pY8jaGs7xJ0
  8. dayum!
  9. i only have a moment as i'm stopping over from the dance party thread, so i only read the first sentence of you post Jay. i don't think many people here bother to differentiate between the nuances of political spectrum...i.e. moral vs. fiscal conservative, etc. its harder to troll when things are not black and white. same goes for the liberal side of things. of course you already knew that. back to the dance party!
  10. wallflowers
  11. i think so, see a Tvash TR.
  12. [video:youtube]A2GPTvr-2Tc
  13. [video:youtube]rMNNDINCFHg
  14. olyclimber


    TWO IN A ROW! that is friggen awesome
  15. [video:youtube]IbTAFqnZkL0
  16. [video:youtube]m_-Gld700LE
  17. Did you know that Alpinfox used to be a lead singer in a band??? [video:youtube]v6Mi3aSShOw
  18. it feels so much better than wanking on about politics or trying to figure out how to best humiliate your CC.com adversary.
  20. oh no you're on the bus now Fox! get your ELECTRIC FEEL on! [video:youtube]UtUI5MC9tVM
  21. [video:youtube]9ScnxAkpbnc
  23. [video:youtube]uw3Y84zXLwg
  24. [video:youtube]N1Qr-QEQmZI
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