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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. i feel fine
  2. by the way Pete, you missed out on the Wesside pubclub last night. it was way OFF THE HOOK. a good time was had by all.
  3. i'll provide the tweezers and magnifying glass! now get to work.
  4. to my enemies: choke on it
  6. olyclimber

    the mango

    Mt. Dew, that is disgusting. What a way to ruin THE MANGO. and Poderosa, way to hit that slow pitch! I prefer Mr. Peepers! [video:youtube]c9TzBTKRfPU
  7. that lake stirs my deepest emotions
  8. MICRO PIGS!!!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1218472/The-700-teacup-sized-pigs-latest-celebrity-pet.html
  9. olyclimber

    the mango

    so sweet so delicious
  10. olyclimber

    Pink no more

  11. olyclimber

    Pink no more

    no. that would be you. pink is alright.
  12. olyclimber

    Pink no more

  13. olyclimber

    Pink no more

    maybe he is just sick of CC.com
  14. anyone that can't live comfortably off of dumpster diving in this country isn't trying hard enough.
  15. olyclimber

    Bella Coola KFC

  16. [video:facebook]1049270957851
  17. be sure to just use the number at the end of the URL of your video.
  18. Hey there! You only need to put in the code after "...video.php?v=". something does appear to be not working here! it might be how Facebook sizes the video...i'll do some checking.
  19. discussion about this sale only, thanks.
  20. still looking for offset printing. if you have a connection at one of these places, let me know via PM!
  21. Yosemite off-widths is the topic.
  22. http://www.monsteroffwidth.com/climbing-misc/yosemiteoffwidths/YosemiteOffwidths.html
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