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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. you have two...so do some fun testing with one. if good you can trust your life with the other.
  2. I thought maybe Jeff would bring up Lily and have her on that thing!
  4. OMFG WHAT A GAFF!!!!!!! http://www.americablog.com/2011/12/romney-adopts-kkk-slogan-keep-america.html
  5. olyclimber

    Tim Tebow

    Rob: I under you can't comprehend the AWESOME that is Tebow, and I forgive you! You'll come around after he wins the SUPER BOWL!
  6. olyclimber

    Tim Tebow

    The discussion around Tim Tebow has quickly gone from "can he play in the NFL" to "is he the greatest QB to ever play the game???" and "Who would bet against this guy leading the Broncos to the Super Bowl this year???" Are you a Tebow Believer?
  7. http://hpronline.org/united-states/a-strong-response/
  8. [video:youtube]My0HQ0QkGLQ
  9. [video:youtube]T2UA-7Q3ncU THIS THREAD IS A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!
  10. OH HAI GAIS!!! [video:youtube]BbrI3F7p6-o
  11. looks like a sweet Carhart jacket...but the belt buckle is just a tad too fancy.
  12. [video:youtube]dpiw-ng5wkQ
  13. [video:youtube]0PAJNntoRgA
  14. [video:youtube]2B1QxOmbMZ0
  15. Are you saying this man likes chicken?? he tastes like chicken. small difference really though.
  16. agreed! that movie sucked ballz
  17. [video:youtube]xzYO0joolR0
  18. you racists just don't want to see a black man become president
  19. [video:youtube]qi6n_-wB154 here is the current front runner for the republicans
  20. but honestly, i don't even read Prole's posts. He is a libtard bore! so your statement to me is laughable. Anyway, its been fun, and thanks for your contribution.
  21. hey you are an active participant in the trading of insults. just admit it, you trolled for them, you got them, you like it. you like being insulted. that's what you came to spray for. as did your libtard brethren. there's nothing WRONG with that!
  22. sorry to get so high and mighty on yall continue on
  23. i'm sorry...its just that for someone who is apparently smarter than the room, you just sometimes don't seem to act like it. that is, unless you are actively seeking an exchange of insults. much like some of the liberal minded trolls here. but then i would question the intelligence of someone actively seeking out an exchange of insults.
  24. sounds like you started a constructive conversation that you guided in healthy exchange of ideas and fun. you're neat! or maybe its just that you trolled and got your expected result, and now you're telling people to fuck off. who has too much time on their hands? i really expected something better from you. way to represent your ideas.
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