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Everything posted by babnik

  1. that makes one of you I guess babnik's a bootlicker - whowuddathunkit? i think you need to go over your proofs there one more time cheif.
  2. for once, me and offwhite are in total agreement.
  3. i cannot imagine that anyone could take you seriously given your attire; especially one in any kind of elected office. it is plain to see that they think you are as much of a joke as we do. and by the way. i had lunch with the mayor when i was 11. go get donkey punched.
  4. and i'm gonna ask george bush to write the prologue to my book , "Iraq: tradgedy led by a moron" get real. you are a no-body. if you weren't you wouldn't have to spray about it. simple fact. people who are into this shit dont have to talk about it, cause it aint that big of a deal to them. frankly it aint that bigga deal to me either cause i dont give a shit. i hate politics so bend over so garry locke can stick his in your
  5. most of the people who do this on a regular basis dont talk about it. you think you are gonna ever have a chance like this again after you just sprayed for 5 pages about how bad-ass you are? think again. they want you to be spoon-fed their shit, feel special and shut the fuck up until next year when they hav some more things to spoon feed ya. there is your first lesson learned by someone 1/2 your age. lemme know if you are meeting these guys next year and prove me wrong.
  6. I feel sorry for the guy. Why the hell is everyone so eager to kiss his ass? Hell, there arey plenty guys as good as him around here. How about recognizing them, too? I did recognize two of them. Show me ONE other 19 year old climber who does what he does, namely hard winter routes. Get a clue. Why only recognize the 19 year old? Are they the only ones worthy? what abotu that 12 or 13 year old kid here that is rippin up alpine routes? kids got drive.
  7. looks like it could be clouds tho too. hard to say. shot in the dark at best.
  8. depends how clean your rope is. i replace as soon as i get two fairly pronounced grooves. when i can run my fingers over and feel it pretty well. that is when i get kinda iffyon em.
  9. You got THAT right! The car was found by the way. Full of cigarette butts and beer cans. Even left their tools, the dip shits. damn i wish it was legal to shoot assholes that are staling shit from you. that would be the best detterent i can think of. chic chic booooooooom! g'night sucka!
  10. babnik


    neither man. i let the cycle run through first and get some water in there to dilute the detergent.
  11. what i learned from CBS after one kid crashes his truck and the daughter get the car stolen: kids + cars = pain in the ass!
  12. Just 'cause they don't like your brand of lamedick, youngster come-on, doesn't make them teases. GAWD - this whole discussion makes me sick. dude, greg i would pass. i got these things called standards. you mighta heard of them.
  13. babnik

    Crazy Mo-Fo!

    fuckin crazy. i feel like a puss!
  14. pair of fuckin' teases boo!
  15. fer sure man! totally raddical shreddin' when i was jibben' this mornin' fahqin A! lol
  16. yeah the 'instructors' prolly graduated the weekend before from the same class!
  17. And you'd know being such an experiences alpinist. If they aren't rappelling, then why is the one dude giving a fireman's belay? You sound like a Mounties textbook. Besides, Minx said explicitly that she was worried on the Monkey Face rappel. I know there are lots of dead trees and sketch rock horns that you have to rappel off of on that route, but still. Scrambling doesn't involve ropework. Anyone who needs a rope to get down a 20 degree forest floor is a gumby with low IQ, no two ways about it. dru dat. shoulda stuck to bingo.
  18. i cant get over the spotting technique of that brillo pad. no worries brah! i totally gotcha!
  19. yeh. but there is still enough food for the time being. in fact why dont you look up how many lbs. of food it takes my make on lb of beef. then you will see the answer dickhead. sure 3W countries like india are breeding like fuking bunnies but we can share the blame in that we support wastefull excercises like taking (3W style) edible food and transforming it into a fraction of the same amount of beef. this was discussed with the salmon, but it is on much larger scale with the cows. its a two sided thing man, there is no one group at fault, was are all the problem. RANGE FED beef... we cant eat grass. smoke it yes eat it no...waita sec what was in the brownie what percentage of battle in the U.S. is range fed? i doub it to be a great number. look in the snohomish valley and see how many are range fed.
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