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Everything posted by Rad

  1. So who's got beta on all the new routes at Index? I know there are a lot. Maybe y'all can use this thread as a place to tell others what gems have been uncovered so they can be climbed to keep the moss at bay. I have to admit the regular break-ins and window smashings affect my willingness to park in the main lot. Are there any thoughtful strategies for how to address this? Cameras? Don't say hide in the bushes with a baseball bat - that's unoriginal and going after an armed meth head on your own is just plain stupid.
  2. Nice job. You mention there was only one "technical" pitch, which maybe means you broke out the rope and belayed, but it sounds like there were lots of other spicy moments that underscore that mountain routes can be harder than their technical ratings would suggest.
  3. I agree that it's an atrocity that looks like it was stolen from the Yeti's lair in the Matterhorn ride at Disneyland, but it reminds you that you're driving through a National Park, which might not even occur to most people as there is no gate to collect high entrance fees (don't give them any ideas!).
  4. I'll echo others: making it faster and easier to insert photos into TRs and other posts would be helpful to users (many have said as much). I don't ever go to the gallery other than to upload my own photos to put them in TRs. I suspect many others do the same. Edit to add that some of the older TRs have no images because they display as boxes with question marks, presumably due to some technical error in retrieving them from the gallery. It would be nice if this were fixed.
  5. Tragic. I'm so sorry for the loss of the many people who loved this your man. Climbing is an activity that is mostly quite safe but a mistake at the wrong place at the wrong time can kill or seriously injure you. Any time you connect and disconnect yourself from anchors off the deck is a particularly critical time. Check. Check. And check again.
  6. Jason, I've encountered a number of bears, but probably not nearly as many as people who are around them for work. The natural ecosystem has already been so messed up by human involvement (through habitat and wildlife corridor destruction, for example) the reintroduction of a tangential species to the ecosystem seems pretty arbitrary. Efforts would be better spent improving salmon habitat or taking out dams, or something. We already spend way more $$$ on salmon than almost any other endangered species. Removing dams would be good, but Kit has some good ideas.
  7. as long as you weren't between her and the liquor!
  8. Grizzlies are mostly opportunistic scavengers like other bears. If you don't get between mama and her cubs you should be fine. I read the Alaskan Bear Tales book years ago while traveling in AK and came away with the understanding that black bears are more likely to hunt you for food than grizzlies, then only if the bear is starving or deranged. Either one can kill you if they want to do so. They just aren't interested. Cougars are carnivorous hunters that are more dangerous than bears, more likely to go after a small child than a bear, and they're already here. Still, I would feel honored to see one in the wild in WA. The most dangerous animal out there is surely homo sapiens.
  9. Bump. I've finally started putting routes on Mountain Project. Feel free to to comment and/or rate them so a consensus can be achieved. Come see these routes during the work party at the Far Side Saturday August 30th - meet at the parking lot at 9am.
  10. Bump. Is there a topo floating around here? Thx
  11. For those of us in the walled garden of iOS: "Some iOS devices have a GPS chip and some do not. A device with a GPS chip can identify your location (usually within 10 or 20 meters) even when it has no WIFI or Cellular signal. A device without a GPS chip can identify your approximate location only when it has a WIFI signal; these devices are still useful tools for looking at maps but will not show your location on the map while you are hiking. All iPhone models (4, 4S, 5, 5C, 5S) include a GPS chip. The 4S and all 5 models also support GLONASS which in some locations should improve accuracy and time to first fix. No iPod-Touch model has a GPS chip. All iPad models (iPad with Retina display, iPad2, iPad mini) that have 3G or Cellular also have GPS chip and therefore behave like an iPhone for mapping purposes. (The iPad with Retina display and iPad mini also support GLONASS; the iPad2 does not.) The WIFI-only iPads do not have a GPS chip and therefore behave like an iPod Touch for mapping purposes."
  12. This is probably a stupid question, but don't phone-based GPS systems work off cell tower signals, thus limiting utility to areas that have cell signals (i.e. not in the backcountry)?
  13. Pipe? The right side of the Gun Show has the following routes: A very soft 10c that trends left up a ramp, back right, and straight up. A reachy 11c that is quite good that finishes at the same anchor as the 10. An awesome 11b (Tea Time)(FA Jens K) just right of said 11c. An 11cish route I put up last fall called Match Stick that starts just right of Tea Time. Traverse right, use long draw on first bolt, crux past the final bolt. Awesome movement and rock quality. Way down to the right (descend, traverse) is the start of a 10a pitch that can be linked with a 10d pitch. Leland told me these are called Web Slinger. This route is outstanding! So is there something else now?
  14. Thanks Blake. That's just what I was looking for. Yes, I meant EAST of RP.
  15. Thanks Tom. I will backpack down to Stehekin via Rainbow Lake w kids in 2 days, then I hike solo back up to RP in a single day to retrieve the car while my wife takes the ferry out w kids. So they only hike one way.
  16. Actually, we're planning to backpack to Stehekin with the kids from Rainy Pass, but I figured Goode would get your attention. Why not start West of Rainy Pass proper? Google maps shows a pullout on Hwy 20 that you could park, travel a few hundred yards x-country, and intersect the PCT. This would cut off almost 2 miles of trail. Surely I'm not the first person to think of this. Any reason not to do it? It would mean the difference between a 13 mile first day or an 11 mile first day. Thx
  17. What a gorgeous climb and approach. Thanks for bringing back good memories.
  18. Awesome Blake. Does this mean you've now joined the Dark Side by placing bolts?
  19. You're going to damage your innards if you fall on static gear. If your goal is to rope solo then look up some ways to do that. There are some experienced folks on this board who can help. If your goal is to connect yourself to an anchor or fixed line then just use the rope. KISS
  20. I rapped off the W Ridge of Inspiration w a single 60m rope 10 years ago. Perhaps more recent visitors can comment.
  21. Nice! Clean Break is awesome. The upper part is longer than one thinks. We got off route at the very end and that cost us some time.
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