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Everything posted by Rad

  1. What do you mean by snow-free? There's a glacier at the base. You mean the rock? It's probably clear after this heat wave. I bet this is a great time to go get Goode, wish I could be there myself, though creek crossings may be cruxy.
  2. Anyone know this guy or know anything about his whereabouts? If so please contact NOCA NPS. See more in this brief article on the search
  3. Nice TR. Thanks for posting. It's smart to go up there when snow is still covering a lot of features, like that gully in your photo. When those melt out they'll be unpleasant at best, dangerous in many cases, and downright impassable at worst. Challenger solo in a weekend? That's a lot of ground to cover and a big glacier as well. Be safe, have fun, post more TRs! Cheers, Rad
  4. No TR. GITM was an interesting rappelling adventure because it's quite overhanging in places.
  5. Great question. In our case, we got off route after about 5 or 6 pitches and ended up rapping the route through the night. That's not the desired finish or descent!!
  6. We approached this route via Stuart Lake and Horseshoe Lake. No bushwhacking at all. I'd suggest you pick up a copy of Blake Herrington's book for all the beta you need for this route. Cascades Rock Guidebook
  7. You might want to talk to guides about what their life is like before you sell all worldly possessions to go become one. It's a long road to get there, and it might not be what you envision.
  8. This works unless you have a user name like mine that appears in the text of many trip reports.
  9. An excellent read. Thank you for linking the primary source. Two quotes stand out: First, the Court acknowledges that, "The climbing community appreciates the inherent danger of the sport and is perceived to value the individual freedom of a backcountry experience." and this ruling in many ways upholds the right of climbers to preserve that freedom. Second, the closing sentence makes me smile: "The record in this case may have been more helpful to the court had both counsel devoted more time and effort developing the facts and less time and effort squabbling with each other"
  10. @JasonG agree. I remember that there was helicopter accident on Hood during a rescue attempt. Video here: Hood heli accident video
  11. The original 911 call didn't convey the urgent need for heli evac because, at the admission of the caller, they didn't appreciate how serious the situation was. It's unclear if a faster response could have changed the outcome. What counts is not time to helicopter but time to surgery if there is internal bleeding pressing on vital organs. See below. A friend's son was crew on a private boat in SE Alaska. They stopped and everyone went for a short hike. He apparently slipped and fell about 20 feet while trying to take a leak on a steep section. He became increasingly short of breath during the hike back and collapsed and lost consciousness upon arrival at the boat. He died. Autopsy revealed that he'd had a bleed into the pericardium in what's known as Cardiac tamponade. In simpler terms, blood or fluid in the sac around the heart compresses the heart and it stops beating. I suspect that, or something similar, is what happened to this poor young man on Hood. @glassgowkiss I agree with #1. #2 would be great if there were funding and expertise to pull it off. Rescue in the US is run by law enforcement (County Sheriff's Office) with support from volunteers, military, and sometimes specially trained staff as in North Cascades or Mt Rainier or Yosemite. A 2 hour delay to a road accident response is unreasonable. But what about 45 minutes if there is bad traffic, or you're in a rural site, or your accident has been put on low priority because the initial call didn't indicate that it warranted the most urgent response and the response team was at another accident? Defining what is reasonable is not always easy.
  12. Washington Post article This is disturbing on several levels. First and foremost, a young man died. Second, the family is seeking financial gain from an emergency response situation where there doesn't seem to be a clear case of negligence. Third, fallout of the lawsuit may be mis-guided regulations on climbers, as happened with PLB legislation in Oregon following a tragic accident about a decade ago. As climbers, we take risks. Shit happens. Timely rescue is not guaranteed. We and our heirs need to accept these things. Hopefully. this lawsuit will get thrown out. It's an interesting topic for discussion in any case.
  13. 2 person travel on glaciers is probably best reserved for very experienced people and/or very low consequence glaciers. One mistake by either could kill both. Maybe you can find a safer ski objective.
  14. Way to persevere! There is a lot of great content in this guide, including new routes and history around old ones.
  15. @JosephH wow! Thanks. This past winter I learned about PowderBuoy, which is a Pacific Buoy NW of Kauai. It's been used by surfers for years, and Wasatch skiers learned that it's pretty good at predicting powder dumps 2 weeks in advance. Worked for me this year on a trip to Snowbird.
  16. Dude, that's about as user friendly as punch cards for computers, or Devil's Club on a Cascades approach. Is there a GUI?
  17. Based on your comments, I'd suggest you consider the following: 1 - N Ridge or W Ridge of Stuart if you are really fit. If not, aim for Ingalls S Face. 2 days, 1 night. Ingalls would be your best crappy weather option of these. Could be done in a long day. 2 - Sun Chips in the Colchuck Lake area if you can get a permit for Colchuk or Stuart Lake area. (Do not glissade descending from Asgard Pass in early season, people have died here)). If you luck out and get a core Enchantments permit go for the easy route up Prussik. It's classic. 2 days, 1 night. 3 - Go camp up near Vesper and do one or more of the routes on Vesper (Ragged Edge, True Grit) and Mile High Club on the way out. Scramble up Sperry. Possible multi-day outing. 4 - Sahale via Sahale arm. 1 night, 2 days. Very little climbing gear. This will give you an amazing alpine ambience. 5 - Snow Creek wall has Outer Space and Orbit, which both go at 5.9ish but are not soft for the grade. Day trip from Icicle Creek. Avoid weekend. Watch out for goats and ticks. Hope you get good weather!
  18. This is a critical issue for the Cascades in all seasons. I stumbled on this site and have read reviews that it's the bomb. What's your favorite?
  19. Great question and post. This is a complicated topic, so I'll try to give some guiding principles: Given your May/June timeframe, many of the "alpine" objectives will covered in a lot of snow and your approach may be a physical slog. On the plus side, there is little bushwhacking early season, moats haven't formed yet, and chossy gullies are snow-filled and much more fast and friendly. That said, you'll need to be comfortable in a pack on steep snow slopes to do any of these. Moreover, with high snow rock routes may be wet even if they are snow-free. Something to keep in mind. Footwear is important in snow. A stiff boot can make steep snow feel easy whereas sneakers will make it feel desperate (and wet). Again, given your timeframe, weather is everything. We could have a storm that dumps snow and/or rain on your objective, so it's good to have researched multiple options and be ready to change plans as needed. Generally, one dry side option and one wet side option would be wise. Don't push too many envelopes at once. 10a on the S Face of Forbidden or 10 on the SW Face of Sloan are very different endeavors than 5.10 at your home crag. Choose something spectacular that maybe has an easier rating. Not all glaciers are equal. Some are huge with crevasses that can swallow King Kong. Others are small and early season you won't even know you're on a glacier vs snowfield. Here are some ideas that will get you into spectacular terrain. Go research them to get a flavor. All that said, here are some ideas for you to consider/research: Top choice would be the W Ridge or N Ridge of Stuart if conditions are good. The former involves significant route funding issues up high, the latter may still be snow-covered so check reports. If things melt fast this year, or toward the end of your trip, I'd put the N ridge on your list. It's a 50 classic for a reason. The glacier is mellow and can be avoided if you go w the Full N Ridge. That said, you need to be able to simul easy fifth class to do any route on Stuart, otherwise you will move too slow.. There are other routes to consider in the Enchantments IF you can get a permit. Valkyrie, Acid Baby, Prussik. Some can be done in a day. This is a truly spectacular setting. The Vesper Morning Star area is lovely and safer than some other areas. Mile High Club should be melted out and is all bolted, no glacier. There are multiple routes on Vesper, but there is steep snow on the way to Hedlee Pass that presents a hazard. Learn to use crampons and ax and you'll be fine. Might be fine wo them but why risk it? E Ridge of Forbidden is truly spectacular, and you don't have to cross glacier to get to it, but the descent on the NE ledges is pretty exposed and will be snowy. I'd say Forbidden is probably out for you. I agree you should have lots of choices in the WA Pass area that could work. There will still be a lot of snow as these are high (8k). Tooth is OK but isn't going to make you shout for joy. Other peaks in the area (e.g. Thompson, Bryant, Chair) are pretty chossy and/or likely to have a lot of snow on them. Sahale Peak via Sahale Arm is truly spectacular, has some of the best views in the range, and doesn't really have glacier travel. That said, this will be a long snow walk with 50 feet of low 5th class. Bring a short, thin rope and figure out exactly what gear is needed to protect the final moves to the summit (see internet). You can camp on the arm above Cascade Pass or do this in a day. Avoid the Quien Sabe Glacier given your experience level and the more serious crevasse hazards there. Sharkfin could be good, should be dry if there haven't been recent storms (watch freezing levels) but it is a LONG, physical approach with steep snow in places. I'd say not worth the effort for you. gotta run. Will edit later...
  20. Thomas, you will want to list your dates and intended route if you want to get a partner.
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