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Everything posted by TIGHE

  1. Run Lola Run Metropolis (anime) Brazil Anything with Clint O Bother, Where Art Thou?
  2. But My_xxxth_Avatar beat you too it!!
  3. TIGHE

    News flash!

    I'm with that...
  4. TIGHE

    Hot Damn

  5. TIGHE


    Hey congrats to you!!!
  6. I wouldn't call that tomfoolery. I'd call it smart. I wouldn't put it past Dubya to fucking lie about killing those motherfuckers. He started this war to get Saddam so he'd better fuckin' take them all out.
  7. Redeeming qualities? Are you sure you are talking about the right place??
  8. We're number one!! USA! USA!
  9. TIGHE

    Website Bullshit

    Grow a thinker skin, after all this the spray section.
  10. I would but the money is too good.
  11. Why don't you two just go get a room.
  12. Damn!! There's now way I could give up drinking and still come to this shit hole job every day. Cheers to you
  13. Nice TR. That's a great a great area to hike.
  14. Wonder woman for sure. She's bad ass.
  15. TIGHE


  16. I have never had poisen oak or poisen ivy (knock on wood) I belive some people are immune Yeah,same here never gotten poison oak either. I'm pretty sure you are right about that.
  17. expolding whale
  18. TIGHE

    Please God,

    AAWWW! Group hug!
  19. TIGHE

    Please God,

    All in good fun, Muffy. Sister to sister.
  20. TIGHE

    Please God,

    It is pretty you guys believe in faeries too??? dang, I could hook you up with some wings and we can hit the fair bats are actualy a symble for good luck and joy... peace be with you brother Brother???, I'm no ones brother
  21. TIGHE

    Please God,

    It is pretty you guys believe in faeries too??? dang, I could hook you up with some wings and we can hit the fair
  22. TIGHE

    Please God,

    It is pretty
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