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Everything posted by TIGHE

  1. TIGHE

    Music taste?

  2. Me and my son are in but I'll have to be a belay slave since I broke my toe.
  3. TIGHE

    Music taste?

    I think the bad spellers on this site have infected you!
  4. TIGHE

    Music taste?

  5. TIGHE

    Music taste?

    I was drinking some last night there, Comrade You had this stuff???
  6. TIGHE

    Music taste?

    Sounds good after 15 shots of vodka Yes, vodka. But it has to be potato vodka. Das Vedanya!
  7. TIGHE

    Music taste?

    You commie pinko bastard! capitolist pig!!!
  8. TIGHE

    Music taste?

    You commie pinko bastard!
  9. TIGHE

    Music taste?

  10. TIGHE

    Music taste?

    I think you need one of these...
  11. TIGHE

    Music taste?

    What's wrong with "rap and hip hop" Nothing
  12. TIGHE


  13. TIGHE


    Those li'l guys are pretty damn cute. Where are they found?
  14. I think I know him too.
  15. Here ya go!! Great TR!
  16. TIGHE

    spary where is it?

  17. TIGHE

    Funky boss?

    uh huh... like there is anyone who hasn't seen that movie. wow! you are so elite and prestigious! you saw office space! what a cultured individual! great! more movie quoting cubicle infesting whiners. greeeat.
  18. TIGHE

    Funky boss?

    Obviously he missed the meeting with the Bobs.
  19. TIGHE

    Funky boss?

    Fuckin' A
  20. Awesome. Judging by the description, that sounds like the one. Must seek it out now! Me too! I love horrifically bad movies.
  21. TIGHE

    Funky boss?

    Damn, dude! I hope you are ok.
  22. what??? wait a half an hour for...???
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