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Everything posted by fenderfour

  1. I'm an insufferable asshole, does that count?
  2. Any TR with decent pics is welcome.
  3. Nice work. Great shot of the fall too
  4. Hey, did you see the Lost and Found Forum?
  5. Hey, did you see the Lost and Found Forum?
  6. I'm glad you love your body Sobo, that may not apply to the rest of us.
  7. blocky manass makes things interesting?
  8. I was up there Saturday to meet Mark. He did some good things up there.
  9. If you want to increase your post count, please go to spray.
  10. FYI - I've been up the route a few times now, and never needed a 4 or 5.
  11. +1 for what Noah said
  12. I don't really know what to say here. Maybe a little common sense: Buy a crampon bag. Put the crampons in the bag. Put the bag that now contains the crampons in your pack. Avoid dropping your pack, the bag that contains your crampons, or your crampons themselves. Personally, I go for the no-bag-crampons-on-the-outside-of-the-pack approach, but it sounds like this failed you. Better luck next time.
  13. I bet he's talking about The Sherpa Glacier. Not a great descent option for the W Ridge.
  14. SCJB, I don't know how long you have been climbing, but you should probably climb more and talk about it less. When you first start climbing, we all think what we are doing is amazing and special. Once you know what you are doing, you realize how retarded you were at first. Seriously, you seem pretty proficient. Check out some of the moderate classics like the North Ridge of Stuart (CNR for full value), NEB of Slesse, or Liberty Crack. Stop playing pattycake on Mt Si and Mountaineer's basic routes, and more than anything, stop spraying about playing pattycake on these routes. Yes, we were all new climbers at one time. Yes, we all did the pattycake routes too. That's not the point. The point is, when we didn't know shit about shit we didn't spray about it or argue with people about it. Go climb something that will actually be challenging for you. then come back and tell us about it.
  15. This guy shot a reverso. http://www.geir.com/mythbuster.html
  16. P1 Dana's Arch is awesome. Davis-Holland/Lovin Arms is uber classic
  17. Size 11.5 does not qualify as "large". Slightly over average, maybe. Stubais are pretty wide and fit on my size 15's with the longer bar.
  18. "Climbing" does not require anti lock brakes. Take your "I'm better than a machine" arguments to spray please.
  19. You may consider getting your shoes resoled. Dave Page in Fremont is the closest.
  20. I will take all of the pins, the hammer, and the tetons.
  21. I would poop YOUR pants.
  22. Liberty Bell Enchainment TR If you bring two ropes (think doubles or twins) there is no reason to worry about the intermediate anchor on Concord that I didn't see at all two weeks ago.
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