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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. A crab? That's lame. Maybe a cAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRp!!!!, but a crab? Shit dude your drunk again. Take two advil and go to sleep, then meet us at Index.
  2. That poor rabbit! Sick man.
  3. Golly gee, Mr Phil I didn't know that.
  4. Nope probably won't be repeated soon. I am just wondering what the hell he is gong to work on next to top that off?
  5. I don't think it is much different than those guys who work a route on top rope so that they can get a hard solo in. Still pretty damn impressive, since whne they do pull it off there isn't any foam just a lot of air time and dirt.
  6. Hey Dave, check Sea to Sky rentals, expensive, but it is nice being in a cool neighborhood in a furnished apartment. www.seatoskyrentals.com or info@seatoskyrentals.com
  7. Thanks Holly and Alpinfox. Great idea Alpinfox. I forgot to mention that smaller sizes are much needed. Ken
  8. Hey as most of you know I have been and still living in Rwanda. Anyways a few of my friends and I have been taking kids out to go climbing from one of the schools in town. Most of the kids that go to school there have parents that can afford to get them rock shoes, but there are some that don't have that luxury. If you have any beat shoes (smaller sizes please) that you don't use anymore and would like to get rid of them I will take them and bring them to the school so those kids can use them. Send me a PM if yo wnat to get rid of a pair, I will be in Seattle until 25th of August. Thanks.
  9. ken4ord


    You may have remebered it like that after all the copious amounts of alcohol that we consumed, but this is what I recall: Porter: "Hey Ken, is that a guy or a chick I can't tell." Me: "I am not sure." sip form beer. Pax: "Fuck, Arrgh Fucking Slack Porter!!! Arrrgghhhh!!!" with a lot of heavy breathing. Porter, fumbling around with the slack. Me: "Dude I think it is rope drag." yelling up to Pax, trying to cover for Porter, "Way to stick with it."
  10. ken4ord


    Good times were had last night, except that I am starting to realize that I am a fatlazyweakmofo. Interweb was soooo kewl. Glad I didn't have to work today, it was hard enough work getting out of bed and getting breakfast. Paximus you missed out on more beer and a hangover, and you call yourself a climber. OMG Transnaffle, yes, it is true I am lazy sorry excuse for a friend. I justified my laziness by saying to myself that we were climbing on Saturday and I am sure someone had already bootied them Thursday. I'll be expecting the penalty slack next time we are out climbing.
  11. I don't find the time often to read a book, but I read this one, and it is pretty damn incredible story.
  12. Last Cinco de Mayo we started off with real lime juice margaritas, then Cyrstal-lite margaritas, and at the end of the evening it was Kool-Aid margaritas. We just kept running out of mixer, but I was really surprised on how good the Crystal-lite margaritas were. The Kool-Aid margaritas were as bad as you can imagine.
  13. I will try an make and see all you wankers.
  14. Yeah that would be funny to see Colin down on under 99 downtown with all the migrant workers. Hell it is money though.
  15. I would probably spend more time looking at that shit too, if I had a internet connection that actually works. I have to spend about 10 minutes to watch a silly little 10 second clip.
  16. Drug testing, hell I will volunteer to test some drugs.
  17. Damn if I had some work I would hire you, just cause this is such a great climbers post.
  18. So your still in the land of employed, same with Peter and Pax, what the hell is going on in this world?
  19. ken4ord

    Chillout Music

    Holy shite! The quadfecta from BC, arch, PP and KK of music that is so old and chilled out that it collects dust on shelves and the people who still listen to it are on there way to the old folks home or already there. The exception Floyd and Hendrix are timeless, though it is not something I condsider chill out music.
  20. How late you think you will be there?
  21. If you two fools are out when I get back I may join you for a brew or two or three or......well I don't suppose mister fox has a cell do you, if so send me you number so I check in with the duo.
  22. You guys are hitting on Weds. now? Got dinner plans already for tonight, mmm real food, Palace Kitchen.
  23. I finally freakin' made it. Damn right it feels so damn good to be back. Today hanging at a cafe, walk around Greenlake, a trip to Greg's (worked on empting my bank account), now chillin' at the homestead. Damn I lovin' it. PC next tuesday, unless I am at the hospital. Wallingford or Fremont area. PI?
  24. Well, I am on my way, finally after a little headache with immigration. At one point they told me I should just buy a new plane ticket because they would not have my passport back to me in time. Well it is all worked out and I off today, arriving a couple of days later and 26 hours fly time later in Seattle, ah yeah!
  25. Yeah man! Congrats! I leave today to go back to the states and if all goes well I'll be saying the same thing soon, well not Distelhorst, more like Fordhorst, (whatever that means).
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