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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. are the bolts that supposedly went in recently still there?
  2. anyone have a room they want to rent or split for the summer around Western/fairview area? I'll only be around about half the time and just need some storage space, bathroom, and some floor space. looking to be as frugal as possible. PM me. Kurt
  3. http://www.steepandcheap.com/?CP=DailyDosage&CMP=EMC-DailyDosage&mv_pc=r104
  4. NYC007 and I camped just up from you two in red bivy sacks. suckbm and his friends were the ones by the lake. too bad I missed you.
  5. The alpine start was nice to prevent sunburn and overheating. suckbm and I punched the bootpack in, followed by some of his friends...
  6. The SGC looked good to go. I don't know about the NW face. I heard some guys were going in there to take a look...
  7. Nice "alpine start" guys...way to make use of the bootpack that went in that morning. here is a photo of you starting up the route. you're directly above the moraine: Argonaut
  8. I have one from saturday on Colchuck. Perhaps tonight. There is less ice on the NE face than in your picture.
  9. The road was open almost to the eight mile TH on Saturday. should be open to the Stuie TH by next week at the rate it was melting... there is a small tree across the road at the 8mile TH, bring a strap or a saw.
  10. Grab yourself a copy of "Oregon High" by Jeff Thomas.
  11. I've been wanting to see photos of that face. got any to share?
  12. I don't think the ice looks fat enough, especially in comparision to a couple year ago, to warrent a huge cc.com fiesta... it might be gone with these high temps anyways.
  13. for crevasse rescue, i just use a Prussik minding pulley (PMP) at the anchor. if you want something better suited to year round use, get a BD ATC-Guide.
  14. Sure does, I didn't look at my copy of his book. Props to Randall then!
  15. There is some stuff around McCall, it was in the AAJ recently. hard trad in the 11s and 12s.
  16. anyone been out to Granite Point on Pend Orielle? that looks like a fun day trip...
  17. Anyone have a pair of scarpa alphas lying around that they want to get rid of? I need size 10 (9UK as they are labeled)... PM me or post. Thanks!
  18. storming like a son of a bitch up there today. I heard of lots of freshiez as low as the Colchuck TH. perhaps those who went will tell epic tales of the sketchy snow up there...
  19. Next year's Club president most likely...
  20. works for me. right click and save it.
  21. Again, from the Alpine Club. Courtesy of John Crock and Sobo. Please right click and save the file. Lightning Dome http://cub.wsu.edu/wsualpine/local/maps/lighteningdome.pdf
  22. Sweet Idaho granite...courtesy of the WSU Alpine Club: East Face West Face
  23. secure...yes. later season appears to be best (fattest), but I bet it's done now. Free-soloing some of the buttresses nude under a full moon in July would also be acceptable.
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