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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. Go down the east ridge. From the CJ Col, look for this feature. Follow the heather ramp that goes almost all the way to the top (~1500' gain), then descent solid rock down the backside to the glacier, down the Cascade (?) Arm, and back to the pass. easy and safe, once you're off the Ridge.
  2. I've got a pair of 44.5s that I'd let go for $200. PM me.
  3. The rescue was definitely a sight to see. Just to clarify, he basically fell down the slope directly above/behind the top of the fixed lines down to the Peters. There are no rocks on that slope, just snow and ice, upon which he was unable to self arrest. a cartwheeling situation landed him into a crack where he opened up his jacket, pulled out a sat phone (that was somehow not in his pack, which was ripped off and yard saled), and called 911. it also happens that he landed next to a tent that had blown down from 17k a couple days before; he wrapped it around himself until the NPS got there. Super lucky...
  4. Got an email saying that it's about 5 miles, from what I remember. take skis or a sled.
  5. I just spent a week there. here are some pictures if you're interested. going back on Sunday, so shoot me a PM if you're in town already. http://picasaweb.google.com/kurt.hicks/AAIARAMLittleSwitzerland
  6. second that. WAY better than the old Woolite (aka coconut oil) "solution". Wash it once and hang it to dry. no second rinse cycle necessary.
  7. he's not the only one who knows where it is, supposedly.
  8. I think there's a Doorish route on it.
  9. Good news. Someone was arrested on an unrelated felony charge in Alaska on Monday...with my sleeping bag (and other identifiable items). good to see justice served once in a while. he's going to have numerous felony charges against him. no sign of the bibler or camera stuff. to paraphrase the police officer "I wouldn't hold out much hope for the Creedence (camera)"
  10. Hey Darryl, Shoot me an e-mail at kurt@guideschoice.com. we'll get in touch about ordering some for our retail shop at AAI in Bellingham. Kurt
  11. they're going to be available in red in the coming fall. mmmm.
  12. it's a jetboil hanging kit
  13. I saw a guy* break a BD Rage at Haffner about five years ago. It snapped off about half way down the shaft. he promptly finished soloing his route (the WI3/4 on the left) with one tool. *turns out that guy was Ian Welsted.
  14. I know that it was likely taken by some homeless person or a meth head, but these were stolen from my vehicle in bellingham: Western Mountaineering Bison (-35F) Sleeping Bag. Blue goretex dryloft shell Bibler Eldorado tent, 2 door, green. small patched hole near one of the corners. Sony Digital Camcorder DSC-H40 model. Please email/PM if seen. at least the battery was dead in my RV so they couldn't steal it...which they tried to do judging from the carnage around the steering column.
  15. I put a regular hammer on one of my Cobras(thus far) for this reason (and to make pounding pins easier). There is a noticable swing difference between the micro hammer/adze and the full size hammer. it gives the tool a more head heavy feel, which I appreciate on such a lightweight tool.
  16. climbed Pan Dome yesterday. good sticks and mostly good pro. given the forecast, it looks like it will probably stay in for 2 more weeks.
  17. I'll attest to how rad Cilo is. i've got close to 200 days on the V2 60L, from cragging to multiday alpine adventuring. still looking pretty good.
  18. see you there d00dz. I'll second Porter's suggestion and will politely ask you to not break my nose.
  19. Graybeard, Cutthroat (cauthorn-wilson), Colonial, Baker North Ridge, Baker Coleman HW, Stuart Glacier Couloir, Dragontail (cotter-bebie, Triple Couloirs), Eldorado NE Face & NW Face couloir...just to name a few.
  20. Wild Things Mule or Burro. bomber.
  21. For those of you still chasing ice, the Baker Ski Area still has it. Pan Dome, East Table Three, Death Picnic, and other assorted lines are all still in. most look pretty blue--almost Canadian.
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