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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    The Best of Trask

    We DO have Griz though....
  2. EWolfe

    The Best of Trask

    I miss simple male idiocy, irregardless.
  3. Whoops! I meant domestically.
  4. It was a Bush Thread, wasn't it? Damn Homeland Security!
  5. Where are the angry people with guns?
  6. You are like the 900 number without fees.
  7. my kind of woman. Thanks, the New Trask
  8. Your plans for 2006 are so pwned by clucks agenda.
  9. delicate sensibilities have already moved on.
  10. OK, I am going to give Timy a break, but MattP is still on for the smackdown. Sensitive types....sheesh
  11. I bet you and puget are thick as thieves, in that regard.
  12. I miss the fun talk of genital mutilation
  13. EWolfe

    Gear Question

    don't ask, don't tell.
  14. I wonder what percentage of the women adopt the same sexist attitudes? If any?
  15. More alpine, less cragging. Although cragging early in the year, some new routes at Lost Wall, 11worth trips, a 4-5 day Smith trip in Late April, summer trips to Squam/Index/NC, then get after the big stuff! W00t!
  16. Nope. CR-V. Griz, go stuff yourself in a hole.
  17. Why do the larger, short-haired lesbians always seem so angry? Do they need their filters changed
  18. I did get pwned. But not as pwned as if I had gone to the dealer!
  19. I just found a loose screw. Wonder where it goes...
  20. A real inspiration to the unenthused, and minimally satisfied. You rock my hill world!
  21. whatever the voices in my head tell me to do!
  22. EWolfe

    Chevy Apprentice

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