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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Some of the best educated people are the least able to deal with real life issues. The cost of a pampered education is insulation.
  2. That's why the one with subtitles was made: WALIARHHLII
  3. EWolfe

    Lights Out

    Call me chicken little! 3:00AM tomorrow morning!
  4. MW: Main Entry: at·tempt Pronunciation: a-'tem(p)t Function: transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French attempter, from Latin attemptare, from ad- + temptare to touch, try -- more at TEMPT 1 : to make an effort to do, accomplish, solve, or effect 2 archaic : TEMPT 3 archaic : to try to subdue or take by force : ATTACK - at·tempt·able /-'tem(p)-t&-b&l/ adjective synonyms ATTEMPT, TRY, ENDEAVOR, ESSAY, STRIVE mean to make an effort to accomplish an end. ATTEMPT stresses the initiation or beginning of an effort . TRY is often close to ATTEMPT but may stress effort or experiment made in the hope of testing or proving something . ENDEAVOR heightens the implications of exertion and difficulty . ESSAY implies difficulty but also suggests tentative trying or experimenting . STRIVE implies great exertion against great difficulty and specifically suggests persistent effort .
  5. Soloing does it for me. I am locked to the Earth with no safety net. Everything else falls away, leaving ecstasy and terror reminiscent of the Inquisition - but different. Lots of soloing this year: Tuolumne, Lovers Leap....TR to follow
  6. How about a custom shop called "Enumclaw and hoof"?
  7. EWolfe

    Lost Stuff

    It'll be dark. You won't be able to see shit. [thunderous applause /]
  8. EWolfe

    yummy recipes

    How about a weird one? My buddy doug was making a dish with coconut milk in it, and I had some fresh organic beets (which he wanted no part of). They accidentally got mixed together and we found a brave new world of earthy sweetness...yummmmmmmm.
  9. Dru is that climbing tape on your right shoe, or are you just happy to see me? sickie
  10. Back in the day... You would pick out enough weed from the stems and seeds to get stoned, then it was fun to break up the bricks, watch the seeds roll down the album cover and pick out the stems. Now, I like leading hard shit while baked - been hangin' with Bloom too much lately....no seeds to seperate, either...
  11. In a statement released Monday evening, Craig denied any inappropriate conduct and said he now regrets his guilty plea. Oooo! That's a new one!
  12. EWolfe

    Lost Stuff

    Naaah, it wasn't you, it was the two close cycles of Mercury in retrograde this year. It messed with everyone. Hope that helps.
  13. I thought about Zorro a lot, so I attempted it!
  14. note: only one other person agreez wif me.
  15. Doods. If you don't get on the climb, the climb was not attempted. You "attempted" to leave the house, Dru, not do a climb.
  16. EWolfe

    Drunk again

    That's WONDERFUL news! Congratulations on your accomplishment! Pics?
  17. You can get "A Million Pieces" on audio cassette there!
  18. EWolfe

    Body Skating

    That's badass. I wonder what the get-up is. Wheels on the knees and chest? steel-plated gloves? Some dude was going down Tioga Pass 2 days ago on a long board wearing a powder-blue polyester suit. He tucked it behind a minivan that was filming him. He must have been doing 50-55. Nuckin Futs
  19. EWolfe

    UFC =

    Under The Banner of Maple Leaf?
  20. How's the meth over there in Spocompton? You should get Blowboarder to show you around b4 your next binge.
  21. FatCat Dinner: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop: :pagetop:
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