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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Hey is that Feck and McKillop in the middle?
  2. Masturbation causes loss of vital life energy for men over 40. FYI
  3. Rebolt for Jesus! Hallelujah! Can I get an Amen?
  4. EWolfe

    No I'm not joking!

    But I'm addicted!!! What are you? Some kind of interventionist?
  5. Kewl, thanks for the link.
  6. And now the people of Flagstaff can sleep easy knowing that the water they drink have cleansed the sweat off your nuts. That's the least of the worry. There are hundreds of people throwing their trash in the reservoir every weekend. We picked up a fair bit coming back Sunday. We also witnessed a drunk indian guy flop from 50 feet, knocked unconscious, floating face-down and he lost wind. His drunk friends saved him (barely) as we motored back after hearing the "flop". Where's my flake cam to test?
  7. Funny, I went deep-water soloing both days this weekend an hour from Flagstaff. 25 to 85 feet deep! Plenty of water!
  8. Yeah, Harvey takes the cake. Another good one:
  9. I don't think I have ever stopped at the lower anchors, and I agree - the follower is much better off from the upper anchors. That being said, I don't agree with someone who didn't put up the route chopping the lower anchors (can this statement be verified?!?) Were these anchors added after the FFA? Do we know who put them there? Questions obviously remain....
  10. That's the one. Isn't there a place on Aurora that does conversions? Like 55th or something? Thanks for the info, Pax. Check your PM's Erik
  11. Not having much luck finding it online - anyone know where to rent, borrow or buy a copy of this Movie? Thanks, Erik
  12. Cool. I just downloaded the Pine Barrens Frog ringtone
  13. EWolfe


    How can you climb when you have two jobs?
  14. --Putting up with partners "peculiarities" for many days in a row --Bathing in a freezing creek --Not being able to carry enough beer for multi-day endeavors --Glissade without ice-axe --Dodging rockfall when pulling ropes
  15. Never leave home without them!!! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  16. Post deleted by MisterE
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