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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. In other words, our willingness to spell like Muffy to avoid detection?
  2. I was just waiting for that...
  3. d00d. That pr0n link isn't exactly a "prize"
  4. Waaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! Gimme stoke, you weak-
  5. EWolfe

    Tubular Snaffles

    Gentleman or rapscallion?
  6. I thought that personality test was full of shit!
  7. I always thought that book was about how to live like
  8. PM me at , care of , and BCC (In other words, I have to work tomorrow )
  9. EWolfe


    Just finished this book: Thanks for the links, Will.
  10. That should go over GR8 in Utah...
  11. Note to self: start sending nasty PM's to Dave.
  12. EWolfe

    People of Earth

    I have no idea what you are talking about
  13. EWolfe


    I always think it's funny when "friends" post your profile "in your best interest"
  14. EWolfe

    Peeve thread

    People that start peeve threads!
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