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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Eat Ballz, Asseyes! Classic!
  2. Namedropper! I are a rawk klymbur. Where rawk? Pullz down, stepz up. Das all.
  3. EWolfe


    I've got this bad hobbit I just can't shake
  4. The handshake avatar pic is a nice representation of your spirit of camaraderie.
  5. Reminds me a lot of Yabo, God Rest His Soul.
  6. That's a great tale, Lepton. Excellent storytelling, as Sobo said.
  7. I'd just like to have a genetically-modified "knockout" girlfriend that was modified to be a ropegun.
  8. Man, did Suppon just screw the pooch!
  9. Climbing in the next .....oh, wait, too late. Gotta go!
  10. Ramirez making a good early show!
  11. steel carabiners I once made a 4" piece of gear out of a short 2X4. It was before I could afford a #4 and I wanted to do Saggitarius. Never used it, but man, that thing was crap.
  12. A friend of mine dressed entirely in pink and glued a wingtip to her head and went as "a piece of bubblegum stuck to the sole of a shoe" I thought that was pretty original. :insert ghoulish halloween graemlin:
  13. A young lad seat himself at a bar, and the man next to him turns to him and says: "See that church over yonder, Lad? he says, pointing out the window, "I put me hard labor into the building of that church, aye. But do ya think they remember me as Flannigan the church-builder? Nooo! And that dock on yonder shore! I put some of the best years of me life into that construction. But do they remember me as Flannigan the Dock-builder? No! Not on yer life, lad! But help a sheep over a fence just ONCE!"
  14. EWolfe


    Now there's one that strikes home
  15. Following someone once I had to clean some *ahem* rather well-set metolius curved stoppers. Man, I rued the day he bought those sumbitches.
  16. Brian's mother to a crowd: "He's not a messiah! He's just a very naughty boy!"
  17. "We are French! Why do you think we speak with this outrageous accent?" King: "What're you doing in England?" French: "Mind you own business, sons of a silly person! You father was a hamster, and your mother smelled of elderberries!" King: "Is there someone else up there we can talk to?" French: "No! Now go away or I will be forced to taunt you a second time!"
  18. I was in this S & M parlor once, and this 6'2" Dominatrix came in with a tassled black one...
  19. I like the one: "A Smart Ass is Better Than A Dumb Elephant" Saw one today: Save a Tree, Remove A Bush
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