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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe


    And thus the suffering begins
  2. "I'm sure you know what you're doing, but I wonder if you know what it means" -Casablanca
  3. "Hey England, Scotland and Wales, mind your own business!" Good troll for climbers.uk
  4. EWolfe

    Before you vote...

    It does resemble somewhat the death throes of a collapsing system...
  5. EWolfe

    Before you vote...

    Ahhhh, the voice of reason is like the ocean waves splashing against the shores of my sensibilities.
  6. David James Duncan That book gave me deeper appreciation for baseball.
  7. Parrot Training: A Guide To Taming and Gentling Your Avian Companion Guide To A Well-Behaved Parrot Mr. Murder Dean Koontz
  8. An Old Chestnut, I know. But it IS chestnut season... Here's Mine: Others? Maybe You Had Already Thought Of This Knotted roping for difficult sections of approaches. Rope Rugs! Has anyone ever actually made one of these? Mtngrrl's Choice
  9. EWolfe

    Before you vote...

    ...for ' really consider as an option.
  10. Miller: (poking at burnbarrel with stick) "Ya see, the more you drive, the less intelligent you become." "I've always relied on the kindness of strangers" Elwood: We've got a full tank of gas,half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses." Jake: "Hit it!"
  11. This is actually a giant mechanical squid Mad Dr.Dru created...
  12. Sure does! Rocktown is the only redeeimg quality I have found in Georgia.
  13. Me, too. What a shot, Mike.
  14. Coming to a reality show next season...
  15. But the sky will fall, according to a little chicken
  16. Go to a pet shop and buy a fancy looking pet collar and leash. Then, the next time you see a dead animal in the road, attach the leash and collar setup to its neck. Attach the whole thing to revengees rear bumper, making sure to toss dead animal under the car so it won't be seen. When revengee drives away, chances are he/she will be stopped by either a cop or a member of some animal lovers group for draggin some poor defenseless pet down the road. Either way, they are gonna have some awful quick explaining to do!
  17. Somehow innundation will convert you, is the only thing that I can figure they are thinking.
  18. I'm not saying it until tomorrow.
  19. I'm gonna be doin' some baggin' under twin peaks...
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