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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. On the first day of college, the Dean addressed the students, giving them the rules of campus. "The female dorm will be out-of-bounds for all male students, as will the male dorm for female students. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be fined $20 for the first offence, $60 for the second offense, and $180 if you're caught a third time." A male student in the crowd yelled out, "How much for a season pass?"
  2. There were some good bits. Intense boredom & rural ponderings broken sporatically by burst of weird shit.
  3. "...all the little people that helped me get where I am today"
  4. EWolfe

    Psychedelia Time

  5. Au contraire! I am deeply offended by you and the post you rode in on.
  6. EWolfe


    You got a place to crash in the 'ham, Amigo!
  7. Where are ya these days Chris? Anyone heard from him lately? Last I heard he was sendin' .13+ trad. It's been years, Amigo. Be good to catch up.
  8. Found one! Thanks to yet another Erik!
  9. Mindless spew from a jealous Wanker.
  10. That reminds me of an anecdote from "Blue Highways", about circumnavigation of the USA, where he found that a particular had a penchant for eating it's own kind - generally roadkill. It just made for more roadkill, cuz they were out feeding on the highway.
  11. The captain of a pirate ship was sitting in his cabin when the first mate came to him and said, "There is a pirate ship on the horizon!" The captain replied, "Tell the men to prepare the guns and bring me my red shirt!" "Yes sir!" replied the first mate and went to fulfill his orders. The ship came closer and the men began to fight. The captain and his ship won the battle and the men kept all of the gold. A week later, the first mate came to the captain and said, "Captain, there are four ships on the horizon!" The captain replied, "OK, tell the men to prepare the guns and bring me my red shirt!" "Yes sir!" said the first mate and went to fulfill his orders. The other ships came closer and the men began to fight. The captain and his ship won the battle and the men kept all of the gold. After they won the battle, the first mate went to the captain and asked, "Every time we go into battle, you wear your red shirt. Why?" The captain answered, "Well, I wear my red shirt so that if I get shot and start bleeding, the men will keep fighting, not knowing their captain is hurt!" The first mate said, "Wow! That is really smart!" Two weeks later, the first mate once again came to the captain and said, "Captain, there are 20 ships on the horizon!" The captain said, "OK, tell the men to prepare the guns and bring me my brown pants!"
  12. "I dream of Wild Turkeys" is the only one I might add to this fine list.
  13. Thanks for the reminder. to us, the tough old survivors! That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger
  14. JTree Bound Next Friday Be representin' the PNW! Lok for ya there! I hear they're chargin' for campgrounds now Time for disceet bivvys
  15. Good entertainment is timeless.
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