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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Best Album of 2004

    What about the latest William Shatner album "Has Been" Critically acclaimed , Ben Folds produced...
  2. Oh, sure. Mock us lesser humans. I haven't been yet.
  3. ...plus the Fairweather Range is RIGHT THERE!
  4. I crabbed for Dungeness out of Lituya Bay in the 80's and saw the clean line at the back of the bay where the trees were just gone, and above, a forest. It was quite impressive looking waaaaaay up above you to see the treeline. Good shrimp fishing in Lituya Bay BTW, it is over 500 feet deep, and there is an island in the middle.
  5. Hey! That's fun! Gunther's short and squatty, just like you!
  6. EWolfe

    What'd Ya Get?

    That would suck if the ass were three sizes too big. Not necessarily so There has to be a country where ass is considered a delicacy
  7. Older system, works great. $50 seems reasonable.
  8. From a statistical standpoint, it would be interesting to see which way it went in a re-vote...
  9. Dude! Like, I be falling MASS! You know? I, like TOTALLY try to make it a safe fall though, right? Clean 'til you know what it mean! Righteous on the falling mass, bro. Word. Mass Falls Mass Balls
  10. EWolfe

    Lard-Ass Poll

    "Lard-Ass! Come In, LARDASS!!
  11. Used jumars. $15 + shipping standard yakima rack w/bike mount & locks $80 + I am in Bellingham Wood framed Sherman poster swillin' on the crux in Arapiles $40 + (if you dare) shipping
  12. Maybe they could trade off
  13. Two men were on a rooftop in Missouri during a flood. One of them noticed a hat going back and forth on top of the water in a regular pattern. He said to his buddy, "What in the world is that?" His buddy replied, "Oh, that's just Grandpa, he said come hell or high water he was going to mow the lawn today."
  14. while completely irrelevant and unimportant to my original post, I must ask you this…..have you yet to find a serious climbing girl who isn’t hot? Definite Yes
  15. EWolfe

    finally sunny!

    Don't be hatin' the
  16. Secret Government Bunker in Cascades Free Ascent of City Park Climbers getting shot at from neighboring Index Gun Club
  17. When I was working on this wooden boat in Port Townsend back in the late '80's, we hired this shipwright who was an amazing cat. He was this slab of norwegian man with a youthful, ruddy face that pegged him at somewhere between 25 and 60. You absolutely couldn't tell - and he said very few words. He showed up at the job with two huge pots and an old army backpack. His backpack contained all his bedding (minimal) and the contents of the pots were a stove setup (in one) and onions, potatoes and spices in the other. Every week he would walk down to the local fish cannery and come back with a pot full of fish heads and parts,some onions and potatoes from the store, cook up a stew, and that's all he would eat all week. He worked 14 hour days, talked rarely and did impeccable work. One day someone who recognized him showed up and tried to strike up a conversation: "Last time I saw you 10 years ago, you had the same setup!" "I have two pots now." "You still live on that old tug anchored in Friday harbor?" "Yup." "Aren't you worried about being away from that old boat for a month?" "My boat doesn't leak." In the 4 weeks he was there, that was the most I ever heard him say. He would just sit on his bedding and watch the fire after a long day, then go to bed. I bet he hasn't changed much.
  18. Seems like a good launch-point for discussion, although I wouldn't call climbing tourism quite yet! The discovery phase seems to be for the more intrepid, the promotion (obviously) for the ensuing ascentionists, and the last element seems to fall largely upon the promoters (guidebook authors). Their responsibility lies, at the very least, to consider ethics, access and impact. I personally believe that all FA information should be included in ALL guidebooks to preserve integrity of history, as well as contact information. My .02
  19. How do you kill a circus? Go for the Juggler
  20. I could make the small leap it takes to understand what he meant
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