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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Agreed. Portrero Chico is the shiznit. Bring your helmet, as the limestone tends to break off. Other than that - amazing!
  2. EWolfe


    Freakin' Dumpage!
  3. Now that the Eurovan is sold, I need a good tent. Anyone got one that is in good shape and they don't use anymore? Preferably with vestibule. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ PM me Erik
  4. EWolfe


    How's this for an ad?
  5. It's all about the trip,man! Thanks, though.
  6. Please don't repeat 2004's last-minute calendar of "Stoned Nudes" hippies , just because women didn't respond. That just didn't work.
  7. I am also looking for folks that want to go ~ December 10-22?? w00t!
  8. EWolfe


    That sucks. I will definitely be keeping nothing in my vehicle at the trailheads around the Ham. Thanks for the heads up, and hope you find your stuff. Be sure to check the second-hand sporting goods place in Bellingham next to Casa Que Pasa. E
  9. Unless he was scammed by someone, in which case the lack of research on his part would indicate a hurried and selfish act.
  10. What a mess . I should think that a few clownpunches are in order, if not just recompense. It sucks when people chase their own agendas without honoring those who did the original work. Thanks for binging this to the light, Bob.
  11. You are all getting for Xmas.
  12. What kind of gear to bring for the cliff band? I have some sky hooks to donate if the air is thick enough Also, still have some moon boots from the 70's if they are useful. Additional note: You may wishto bring heavy duty packs as the martian snaffles are particularly wiley Safe travels!
  13. No, just bein' silly (as usual).
  14. EWolfe

    Save The Jakes...

    Right next to it. Tis morningI walked up the street to where they had finished it. Hella quieter.
  15. EWolfe

    Save The Jakes...

    No, I live by the freeway in The Ham. Seemed non-stop this last weekend. The soundproofing wall will be in within a month or so, fourteen feet of reflective goodness!
  16. EWolfe


    They do have a decent defense. They sure made a good showing in the fourth quarter last week. But, yeah. They suck.
  17. But what about that buildering? (non-electrical-shocking )
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