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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Climb: Joshua Tree-Hands Off Date of Climb: 12/13/2005 Trip Report: Intrepid Chappists Alpinfox and MisterE set a formidable task for ourselves this day: Climb the sustained crack towering in the distant horizon of our shiver-bivvy, seen to the left and up: Upon awakening at the ungodly hour of 10:30 A.M, we decided after imbibing a few choice beverages, that a seige was out of the question. We would be much better off setting up yet another advanced camp, pictured here in the distance: Exhausted from the approach, we decided some snifters of brandy were in order. Things were getting ugly as we had run out of snuff and scrips by this point. Nonetheless, we pushed on, and after much punishment we reached the base of our visionary line. here, Pax is loading the horrendous amount of gear required (notice how thin he is from the days of wasting work): Pax set out on lead, plugging gear into the crumbling alpine kitty litter with heroic fortitude, and after almostinsurmountable bodily strain, reaches the summit with a desperate flop: I followed, barely able to hang on to my senses, truly impressed with the intestinal integrity it took to lead this horrorshow. Sadly, our summit cache of opiates had been filched by some previous sicko masochists that dared this monster. So, there we were, faced with a vertiginous descent without stimulants, and frightening it was, as I gaped down over the three distant ridges of doom, our basecamp seemed far away indeed: After much arduous traversing we finally reached the warmth of our site, and imbibed heavily in celebration of surviving this epic with all of our digits and wits intact. Gear Notes: portable pharmacy dancing girls red shark lawyers, guns 10 foot pitches make it more memorable Approach Notes: Trail from hell, expect multiple bat encounters, as well as cache-stealing robbers
  2. I would like to get a pair of lightweight bibs for snowboarding I did a search, and came up with some skiing bibs, which have a edge-durability issue. Given that leg-wear is not an issue, what's a good bib for the jibbers?
  3. Sounds good, man! Look for the next big dump! I just got a CR-V with oversized tires, a dream on the drive up!
  4. EWolfe

    LOOK UP!!!!

    Hey! that makes my head spin! You want me to touch my nose now, too?
  5. Inbounds Man, the backcountry looked amazing - almost enought to warrant the $$ for the transceiver. But that means I need a partner that I won't spray about...
  6. A little bludgeon just knocked on my ear: Never post personal information on the web.
  7. was absolutely amazing! 17" of fresh light powpow... WOW!!! Jibbers heaven
  8. Drowned my sorrows in 17 inches of light freshiez at Baker today....
  9. What goes around comes around, you LUCKY chap!
  10. Holy Crap! There's 147 viwers just on the climbers board right now! To all you anons Just kidding, log on and have some fun !
  11. Perfect for the Lower Town Wall PC next summer! Who's in?
  13. "Okay, you win. Coming on to her as a dirtbag climber REALLY DOESN'T WORK!"
  14. EWolfe

    5000 for Mr E

    Spray! Most of those are trip reports...yeah, that's the ticket!
  15. EWolfe

    ugly dog contest

    This thread gets some stars...
  16. Yo're just jealous Dru, 'cuz you havent been skritched lately...
  17. Come home and be duly praised ( worship is a bit strong ) Colorado is bad for you, mm-kay?
  18. I've climbed 4.5. Sheee-it! Ain't even 5th class!
  19. EWolfe

    Five Alarm Funk!

    Burnin' Down The House!
  20. Not much, but: metrosexual is a young man with money to spend metrosexual is a magazine launching in april 2001 metrosexual is another expression of a narcissistic metrosexual is a tricky one metrosexual is a straight guy who emulates stereotypically gay personal habits metrosexual is a young man with metrosexual is also one about having more in common with say someone in fukuoka japan than even ur next door neighbour metrosexual is a flamer metrosexual is? according to http
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