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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. "This is taking the male dominant societal stuff a little too far, Gentlemen"
  2. EWolfe


  3. I believe that Christianity as a religious system is monopolistic, seeking to convert all other beliefs to its narrow perspective. On the other hand, some of the most generous and kind people I have ever met are Christians. Go figure.
  4. Carry your ...or armor in a swordfight...
  5. He likes to show off his shaved legs...
  6. No. You technically didn't "say" it" Plus the last word, afraid to say "retarded" but "fuckin'" is ok?
  7. Gee, I can't imagine why not... Hope dinner went well!
  8. I'm not bustin' out the Bain De Soleil yet...
  9. It's probably awesome at Smith right now.
  10. what the hell is up with furry tailed errant we all want to know
  11. It's clear and 55 up here in Bellingham! Weird! The Sandbaggers are out in Deming tonight!
  12. EWolfe

    Lummox sighting?

    That takes you to some guy...I think his name starts with a "k"?
  13. EWolfe

    Napoleon Dynamite

    You voted for Summer, didn't you?
  14. EWolfe

    Napoleon Dynamite

    No! You Idiot! It's all about the secret weapon!
  15. Not super creative... Reallly?? I think the guy who invented the twist top was quite creative. Thinking outside the bottle, to coin a phrase. Does that mean you have to crawl out of the bottle to initiate that thinking process? My God, I am so lost out of the gate.
  16. That's great! Unless it's a dirty sock!!
  17. ..unless it is not a twist-top. Then that technique can be entertaining.
  18. This doesn't work well with Mickeys Bigmouth
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