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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe


    You get that recipe from MeatWad?
  2. Someone lost their dignity Saturday, I hear... Please PM me if you find it, I'll make sure it gets back to the proper party.
  3. Met a lot of climbing pardners and friends through this **ahem** resource. Happy birthday!
  4. Yeah, what a Yawn-Fest. Thanks to: AlpineK & Sobo for the tarpwork! Gary for the equipment! All the great slides folks brought, and fun presentations! TG for the beer All those who brought food! Olyclimber for all his work! CC.com for the campsite & contributions!
  5. Blake and I got on this Sunday. After struggling through the lower section, I spent some time contemplating the chimney above. How the HELL do you protect that The face to the left looked pretty blank. There's a chockstone about 30 feet up... I was saved the SackUp option by rain whipping through the chimney at me.
  6. EWolfe


    So, I had promised some of my houseguests the recipe for my "SmoothMove" smoothies, so here it is: Equal parts: Orange Juice Apple Juice 7-up (adds a nice sweetness) Frozen Mixed fruit (I get mine at FMeyer) frozen Banana (about 1/2) frozen blues 2 lg tablespoons of yogurt 1/3 cup of milk (add milk last so your mix doesn't curdle) seasonal fresh fruit Blend. I keep milk and OJ nearby while blending for thinning. Other good recipes??
  7. But if it is perceived as making you look like a geriatric on a bike, how sexy is that?
  8. Hey, when you know someones soul, you need not muck around with all of the terrestrial stuff.
  9. If you forget, you can always get one at the hardware store in George.
  10. Fun times! I would love to talk about it, but I have this gag order....
  11. breaded fish + tater tots + 40 oz of malt liquor...mmm-mmmmm! dried dog food + water = quick meal! (Don't forget the MD20-20) switch to speed and you don't need to eat!! Hope these help.
  12. I wasn't spraying. My friend Tom (who just put up Salad Fingers) owns Vertigo, one of the premiere high-altitude companies in Seattle. He knows.
  13. So, that excavation is going well? What're ya down about 50 feet by now? Very unorthodox, nay, cutting edge crag development.
  14. bump. I miss N by NW.
  15. I am bringing a bunch of New Smith Rock Guide books with me to sell, since you losers can't seem to find any.
  16. Yeah, that's huge. No one ever does that.
  17. EWolfe

    My stepfather....

    Please tell us everything so we can ridicule him ruthlessly.
  18. I don't think RuMR is coming to the event this year.
  19. Washington Escargot Where's your windshirt!
  20. Was it cottage cheese you were eating, I hate it when that happens. Got Tyree some big gear for his Yosemite trip, safe travels!
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