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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. And i thought animal fats lasted a long time...
  2. EWolfe

    So I noticed...

    Just do what M says...
  3. Listen, folks: Climbing has ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT YOUR OWN RISK AND GEAR FAILURES DO OCCUR ON BOTH PARTS. This isn't an SUV, it's a cam. The manufacturers have disclaimers that are bulletproof. It's great they are replacing the cam, but gear inspection is ALWAYS you responsibility. Glad you caught the defect.
  4. I would like the headlamp (new one).
  5. EWolfe

    for rumr

    Nice to see Rudy got himself a starter AT set-up.
  6. EWolfe


    Too bad your climbing addiction just perpetuates the situation. Maybe instead of whining about modern life and its evils you should quit contributing to it and get off the grid and move to Alaska and homestead or shut the fuck up. Yeah, Buddy! A man's gotta find his own way in the world!
  7. EWolfe


    work hard, play hard!
  8. EWolfe


    Because there is a little masochist in all climbers.
  9. Wrecks The Deadtail Cat, our latest kitten, after his car encounter: Our parrot, Scooter, chewed his tail to the bone this morning. Wrecks couldn't feel a thing. Soon he will be a bob-tail cat, his junk hangin' out for all the world to see.
  10. I thought this was going to be a sex link.
  11. EWolfe

    If I liked beer

    So, what do ya drink?
  12. EWolfe

    If I liked beer

    wild cat. Raaaawwwwrrrrr.
  13. EWolfe

    If I liked beer

    A man who doesn't like beer. Get a rope.
  14. EWolfe


    Some good ones! This is the winter of our discount
  15. EWolfe


    I'm feeling today... Let's hear 'em!!
  16. Rage fuckin' Rocks!!!! It wakes the lazy spirit up!
  17. Plus, the apples should be good around this time....
  18. EWolfe

    The Hermit in me

    Don't mince words, what do you really mean?
  19. The hell with pot, it's season!
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