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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Remote game hunting, please.
  2. I'm oooooing and giggling. I'm googling.
  3. EWolfe


    All this fuss over a violinist?
  4. Not bad. 15 posts to turn a Bush thread to kinky sex.
  5. Also, major subduction of Juan De Fuca Plate, more locally. link We're WAY overdue. Although the last giant earthquake hit Washington's coast 300 years ago, scientists say that the Cascadia Subduction Zone may be storing up energy to be released in the next catastrophic earthquake. The stresses detected off Washington's coast could generate a huge earthquake (magnitude 9 or more). That would rival the largest earthquake ever recorded. (A magnitude 8.7 earthquake would release 1,000 times the energy of the magnitude 6.6 earthquake that struck Los Angeles in 1994.)
  6. Is that a gerbil in your pants or are you crowning?
  7. EWolfe

    for rumr

    ahh buzz off ya goat fokker... Houston, we have contact! Nice work MisterE. The Fraser Valley NorEaster is blowing today with rain down here. That means snow at Baker!!!!! Opening day last year:
  8. It was the contemplation of thousands of mouse clicks that pushed me over the edge. Kinky is when you use the fur, perverted is when you use the whole mouse?
  9. EWolfe

    Funny Site

    Cyriak.com "GrannyVision" and "bits and bobs" have some strange stuff...
  10. EWolfe

    Bad Ideas

    Saw one of these on the freeway last week.
  11. EWolfe

    Bad Ideas

    I saw a guy getting on the freeway today who had two large propane canisters in a basket THAT WAS BOLTED TO HIS FRONT BUMPER.
  12. You're pretty smart for a can of PBR. Do you worry about getting consumed?
  13. That's absolutely hilarious! I like the "notphotoshopped-med.jpg"
  14. We figured the sub-peak will erode enough by the time of the next ascent, that our high point WILL be the summit.
  15. You will all burn in hell for this.
  16. EWolfe


    I chop down trees I eat my lunch I like to press wild flowers Kurt, is that you?
  17. The answer is obviously angst: the movie, the response.
  18. puns are bad, yet somehow good.
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