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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe


    This is great. I love an online trainwreck.
  2. Sorry, ADHD disallows following your requirements. I got a note from my "doctor" note
  3. It's the edging sander that will cause you problems, Pax. Those suckers are tricky. Best of luck. Erik
  4. EWolfe


    I was freezing my ass off on an ice climbing trip with Bob once after getting soaked and the screaming barfies. I wanted to stay in the car and warm up, but he verbally abused me until I got back out. I thought I could hold out, but his talent for verbal evisceration turned out to be too strong. I sold all my ice gear shortly thereafter. Bob's like the opposite of Kevbone: too smart for his own, and other's good
  5. I had been saving "Crack of Doom" 5.11b/c at City of Rocks until I was strong enough at trad to have a chance of onsighting it. After a couple of years, I did onsight it. I did it the .11c way, too - not using the cheater holds, but pure crack style. The "Bela Lugosi traverse" on Layton and my climb "Plan 9" in the Pickets was one of those moments where you don't know what is out there, but you go anyway. Overcoming gripping fear on an FA is right up there on the satisfaction scale.
  6. What is the recommended ass guard for that descent?
  7. 1. Head-catch rest 2. Jingus Fling at Smith - I hate that crux move, hence the nick-name.
  8. The last two times I have climbed at the Overlook in Flagstaff, my female partners have shed shirts, etc and climbed topless. I have never had this happen before or anywhere else... Weird, huh? (Post edited for personal reasons)
  9. Does it still have the flip-and-dump option for those unwanted climbing "guests" who overstay their welcome? Pretty sweet set-up!
  10. You forgot this one, Rudy: add a bolt here!
  11. The white ones - they have a bit of asymmetry, but not too much. Seems like an improvement...
  12. Anasazi velcro, Boreal Zen's for most anything. Just got a pair of the new Anasazi lace-ups - they are edging and smearing machines! They seemed to have fixed the heel-box problem this time around.
  13. How much did you pay for THAT scooter? Just wrong, Dude.
  14. "We just bought matching scooters!" How's that?
  15. Coach? You out there? Got your new place!
  16. If you go climbing most weekends, conserve energy at work for climbing, watch your weight so that you can be a better climber, take health supplements to avoid injury and boost energy, lead at least 5.10 on trad and sport you are a good climber.
  17. EWolfe

    I'm done

    I need a weekend to recover from my weekend!
  18. Happy B-day, Off. If you were feeling really welcoming, it would go to the Access forum Erik
  19. Yes, well that's the sort of blinkered philistine pig-ignorance I have come to expect from you non-creative garbage. You sit there on your loathsome, spotty behinds not caring a tinker's cuss for the struggling artist!
  20. EWolfe

    Election Over!

    Build a man a fire, keep him warm for a day Set a man on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life
  21. EWolfe

    John Roper

    John Roper is a great guy - and he is also the pre-eminent North Cascades climbing historian. Thanks, John!
  22. Looking Glass is fucking scary shite. Nice work!
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