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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Dream Job

    Now your talking!
  2. "Sooooo, what's the deal with China?"
  3. Apologies to the Newbies - Spray follows me everywhere.
  4. Nice pic Toast! You win, no need for a contest.
  5. He's got balls, you gotta give him that!
  6. I got systemic poison oak reaction a few years back and had to get cortizone shots for the infection. I was out for 2 weeks.
  7. EWolfe

    New graemlin

    I keep looking down and left.
  8. Now ya gotta take the bull by the horns and POST A NEW PHOTO CONTEST THREAD!
  9. EWolfe

    hybrid cars

    I need an efficient bio-diesel rig so I can tow my toxin-spewing two-cylider to the lake to poison your water. You must be referring to Lake Whatcom, the water supply for Bellingham. Got me.
  10. EWolfe

    hybrid cars

    I need an efficient bio-diesel rig so I can tow my toxin-spewing two-cylider to the lake to poison your water.
  11. Lock the thread between Dru's legs!
  12. That makes me Randy. Is that wrong?
  13. Train tracks +tying off = shotcrete
  14. Is that the hand you masturbate with? It's feeling "old" Congrats!
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