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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Dream Job

    I always thought a cool job was running an explorer tread-rig into new territories, then hiking to find new geo-treasures.
  2. EWolfe


    Explaining It All
  3. Thin Fingers Approach, actually. Check out Blakes "ropehook"
  4. When they're on double secret probation, they get thumbtacked for all to see the bad example.
  5. I don't want those last 10 years of my life that I lose smoking. The drooling, depends-wearing, can't-remember-shit days. You can have 'em.
  6. The Bad Threads are locked up until they have learnes their lesson! They wil be set free when they all decide to be nice threads, and all will celebrate
  7. EWolfe


    I see you have been away a while:
  8. EWolfe

    Dream Job

    A friend of mine just got a job as a Black Diamond Rep, and it got me thinking wat a great gig that is. I had a hard time thinking of what my "dream job" would be. I kind of think some non-profit would be high on the job satisfaction scale, but a lot of other elements come into play: -open days off -minimal work/maximum pay -low stress -active or passive? Discuss.
  9. OK... I gotta ask... Just how the hell did you know this? What - one of those big shiny tanker truck that said "Big Ed's Pig Semen" on the side? Or was it a plain truck with some special "hazmat" placard on it that was the international sign for pig semen? Or were you involved in an accident with it in which that container of said semen ruptured? Just curious. Enquiring minds want to know
  10. What a great day today! Blake Wirlwind and I met up with Ben Murphy and his friend for a fine sunny day of ass-kicking crack climbing! The fog parted a mile before the Index turn-off, revealing a perfect window for the sun-starved among us (all). Hopefully Blake will post some pictures. Edit for doh!
  11. Here's why: After donning your laderhosen and kletterboots, then draping your goldline properly over your shoulder you need an appropriate set of 'biners for racking you hexentrics and corded stoppers. Hope that helps explain it.
  12. I doubt they have dynamic ropes.
  13. Going tomorrow. Was it clear? Mister Mo? The inversion system has me wondering. Thanks, Erik
  14. 43, but not trail running! Good onya!
  15. EWolfe


    Chemical Brothers and Crystal Method do it for me.
  16. whereas whidbey says all about his attitude with his auto sig.
  17. EWolfe


    Clear roads all the time in Bellingham!
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