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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Monorail Crash

    Shakey On The Rail
  2. Add to Index: 5.9: Beak, Beak, Beak 5.10+: Dr. Sniff & the Tuna Boaters 5.11: Japanese Gardens, Centerfold 5.11+: Clay Leavenworth: 5.8: Old Gray Mare, 5.9: Mary Jane Dihedral, Yellowbird, Straight Street, Celestial Groove 5.10: Easter Overhang (o/w), MF Overhang, Off Duty
  3. That's just Great. Someone finally takes the initiative, and what does he get? Jealous ex-threditor spouts off, followed by the administrative smackdown.
  4. I'd be down for meeting at Casa for pre-show chow.
  5. These are sweet mitts! I ride with them, and they are great!
  6. Ohhhh! I see ! Too good to come West. Uh-huh.
  7. First flakes were weeks ago. You're flakin', girl!
  8. EWolfe

    Geek Pickup Lines

    I caught you a delicious bass!
  9. Deep fried in peanut oil. Yummmmm.
  10. Thongs are aid. Where's Bob to say it goes free at .12c and you're a bunch of wankers.
  11. kid's lucky the whole wall didn't pull over. He should have clipped in to one of the 4 yellow labs sleeping at the base of heinous The leashed he could do.
  12. The Tooth! Man, that was an epic bivy. The spooning was nice, though.
  13. EWolfe

    Geek Pickup Lines

    Are you drinking 2% cuz you think you're fat? Cuz you're not. You could drink whole milk.
  14. EWolfe

    Geek Pickup Lines

    I like your sleeves.
  15. EWolfe

    CC.com is like:

    No one looks very happy.
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