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Everything posted by bunglehead

  1. That's odd, I haven't been to Flagstone in like 3 years! How did my dog get up there?
  2. Pirnce Paul: Prince Among Thieves.
  3. Yeah, I got Deltron 3030. That is pretty damn good. "Upgrade you grey matter cuz one day it may matter"
  4. Del: No Need for Alarm The Beastie Boys: Check your Head
  5. It does? Well it is a complete live show, just out of order, plus a bit of another show, and if the rules are it had to be released while they were together, then yeah, maybe IV. But I don't know, all of the first four are pretty damn good.
  6. Led Zeppelin "How the West was Won" The Who "Live at Leeds" Pat Martino "East" Rhasaan Roland Kirk "Live at Montreaux"
  7. Dwayner, Most of the blonde haired blue eyed Aryan looking Jews in Israel are from Europe . Ashkenazis and Sephardic Jews, really two different "bloodlines" from the diaspora. You probl'y know that though.
  8. How's your vacation Trask? You have a valid point about the filter. I just hate gving McOutdoorstore (OOPS! REI) my money I'll probl'y just break down and get a filter as I too enjoy cold clean water.
  9. EEP! Glad I wasn't on that rope!
  10. I don't think as a Jew I'm allowed to comment.
  11. Think I saw blue ketchup the other day. BARF.
  12. bunglehead

    birthday boy

    I think Tighe asked me about MILF the other day. Perhaps if she's out there she'd care to weigh in?
  13. bunglehead

    birthday boy

    YIKES!! My mom may have been mean, neglectful, verbally, physically, emotionally and mentally abusive, but she would NEVER have stripped for my friends. Muffy's right, that kid's gonna need a therapist.
  14. I think we need a stoner who gets laid all the time in the white house. Whenever there was an explosive international situation, he'd be all "everybody just chill!" Alas, Arnold can never be Pres-o-dent.
  15. Thanks for the beta and spray. You guys are hilarious! Fighting about water purification. YES! Still don't know what I'm gonna do though. The main reason I'm reluctant to buy a filter is that I'm tired of giving my money to Fucking REI. I swear, it seems like every damn time I go in there, they have less and less of a selection. And why the FUCK can't they just mark shit down instead of the dividend? I mean, it is great to get a check every year, but I'd rather just save it up front.
  16. Funny you should bring that up. Cocaine is another paradoxical drug. Natives in South America will have their little kids chew on Coca leaves to calm them down. Allright that's it! The Cocaine is back in the coffee! Sorry , Muff!
  17. Nice use of segue to get waay off topic! RBW: 100 points. Erik: 78 points.
  18. I'M NOT GONNA SELL DRUGS TO ANY KIDS. (okay except my brother's kids!) Old people, sure, but not kids.
  19. Well when I hiked 250 miles of the PCT, I used this crazy chemical kit from OMC. You'd stick one tablet in and let it sit in the water for like 20minutes or longer, then you'd spoon in this other stuff that supposedly neutralized the first chemical. Haven't seen it since, but it worked great for me, and I don't remember there baing any aftertaste. Just got jealous sometimes when I'd get to camp, and my filter totin' buddies were drinking cold, fresh water while I had to wait.
  20. Was wonderin what most of you fine, upstanding denizens of CC.com use to accomplish this? Boiling? Iodine? Filter? Other???
  21. "politics is hollywood for the ugly" -P.J. O'rourke. "I don't belong to any organized party. I'm a Democrat" -Will Rogers
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