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Everything posted by bunglehead

  1. Hey Harry, I have a Kodak Z7590 and it takes great shots. It's got a 10X optical zoom, and full manual. Only 5 MP though, but I've had good results with it.
  2. bunglehead


    MF DOOM:
  3. That's what I'm thinking.
  4. What else is amazing about this photograph is that is was sunny and clear every single day he took a picture!! Also, did he mark the ground with tape? He got the tripod in the EXACT same location every single day? SO many questions from one photo... Still, it's a great shot.
  5. I was wondering the same thing. I think if he really did use one frame, each one would be really really dark. seems impossible. If that really is how he did it, that's some good technique.
  6. Well I'm certainly in the clear, because I'm skeptical... Oh and that Carmine stuff is totally fucking GAH-ROSS. Fuck that sucks. I wish I could find a list of brands that use it. Who wants to eat ground up beetles?? Yecccch!!! Sogross....
  7. I concur with CBS's observation That shit about Hydrogen is a load of hooey. Are they talking about clathrates? Edit: The thing about the baby is also ridiculous.
  8. Holy SCHNIKES that's a big hurricane!!
  9. That's because it's oh so lame 70's pop cheese. Seriously, I think it could be one of the worst songs EVER!!
  10. Pat Robertson's nuttier than a pecan roll
  11. Oh you know.... She came down yellow mountain on a dark flat land she rides On a pony she named Wildfire With a whirlwind by her side On a cold Nebraska night Oh they say she died one winter When there came a killing frost And the pony she named Wildfire Busted down his stall In a blizzard he was lost She ran calling Wildfire She ran calling Wildfire She ran calling Wildfire By the dark of the moon I planted But there came an early snow There's been a hoot owl howling by my window now For six nights in a row She's coming for me I know And on Wildfire we're both gonna go We'll be riding Wildfire We'll be riding Wildfire We'll be riding Wildfire On Wildfire we're going to ride Gonna leave sodbusting behind Get these hard times right on out of my mind Riding Wildfire
  12. Hmm, why hasn't anybbody posted that sad, oh so sad, song about the little girl that died looking for her pony in a blizzard..
  13. That fucking thing is now a class 5!!! ...In retrospect I don't know if I needed 3 exclamation points, but a class 5!!!
  14. Bend's free paper Although I never thought it was all that good.
  15. On the way down to the Redwoods one time they swiped my bag of Rainier cherries.
  16. Eight dolphins were rescued! Crazy. I hate to to be anthropomorphic, but they're just so damn cute!!
  17. <COUGH> It's Bush's fault!!!
  18. Well it's nice to know that they'll only cause cancer in Cali.
  19. Getting bigger....
  20. Okay...Howzabout some good headphone records? you know, as good as "Sticky Fingers" sounds in cans? (That's music slang for headphones, in case you don't know) you know, music that is textured, and 3 dimensional yet still organic, music that isn't compressed all to shit? Stuff that's catchy and not stoo-pid?
  21. Bob Seeger AC DC Journey Foghat Ted Nugent And pretty much anything else you hear on your typical faceless, corporate "Classic" rock station
  22. So over the weekend I picked up: Dillinger Escape Plan Seeing as I'm not a headbanger, all I can say is: "Whoa" Crazy shit, mang. Anybody in ssspray hava some new music they'd like to share with the class?
  23. GAAAH!!!!
  24. DAMN!! Where's the BOING-NG-NG-NG!!!! smiley?
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