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Everything posted by Sphinx

  1. Do a search. This has been beaten to death about a million times.
  2. I'd say GoreTex and most of the other knockoffs will keep you dry from the outside. They breathe, but you have to adjust clothing very carefully so you don't overheat. I tend not to use a WP/B jacket very often, I use mine as an 'oh shit' piece, if, say, I get caught on Glacier Peak in a storm.
  3. As mattp points out, Beckfest is here for better or for worse. Maybe another 'real' ropeup should be organized for AlpineK.
  4. Clarification: on this issue MaryLou isn't being a moron, I was saying she SOUNDS like a moron. IMO, Beck is being the dickhead here.
  5. Yo, "marylou", you sound like a second-grader. "You called me names! You're not my friend anymore! I don't like you!" I understand your position, but you still sound like a moron.
  6. I shy away from ANY "fun filled events". I don't like fairs. I don't support the Access Fund, nor the AAJ. I don't want crags to be taken over by topropes for gumbies. I can do without 'safety demonstrations'. I already know how to tie a prussik. I like the idea of climbing by day, partying by night. Too much organization = less fun.
  7. Just go climb. Or ski. Skiing is the only real sport out there.
  8. Sphinx


    "and might just be, a piece of shit like me, but..."
  9. Sphinx

    Define Dirtbag

    Don't worry, it's in Spray.
  10. You are stupid beyond belief. Read up on Saddam. The guy was a MAJOR risk to everyone. Remember the Gulf War?
  11. If bouldering and sport climbing are not climbing, what the hell are they?
  12. It's not Seattle that sucks, it's you. Get back to Calishithole. Seattle
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