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Everything posted by foraker

  1. Whoa. Never saw that on the Red Line.
  2. Oh, man. That's going on the fridge.
  3. I miss Squid. Good climbing partner.
  4. That's what I did on craigslist and it just happened that I caught a guy selling the bike I wanted because he was starting a business and needed the cash. It always amazes me how on advrider you'll constantly find 10-15K dollar bikes that have been owned less than a year up for sale. It's not like you shelled out a little for getting some climbing gear and then didn't like it.
  5. I've spent some time there. If you're going this time of year, prepare for rain. It's not the continuous drizzle we have here. Def don't want to be there in Jan/Feb I don't think. I may have a guide book buried in some boxes but it's probably way out of date. You should be able to get a new guide book in Natimuk I imagine but you might want to get one before that. Are you going through Sydney or Melbourne. If you're driving from Sydney through Canberra, there are a couple of good outdoor stores in Canberra where you can get guidebooks.
  6. Do you need to buy new? Go check the flea market section of advrider.com. You might check craigslist as well. Save money and buy farkles.
  7. Don't you think you're misinterpreting his use of the word 'discipline'? If I teach a child 'financial discipline', do you think I'm teaching them how to manage their money in order to be financially secure or do you think I'm beating them with socks full of quarters when they spill their milk?
  8. Motorcycle ride on Sat? Ferrying mother-in-law and wife around on Sunday tour o' the NW?
  9. Yeah, its funny, my mom, who had no trouble with me taking hunter safety training (in my elementary school, no less!) and who is married to a man with a rather hefty gun collection is rather militant about the whole "toy gun" thing. I've seen her verbally dress down toy store owners when I'm occasionally home for Christmas.
  10. I think the message here is clear: Ban kids.
  11. foraker

    GTA IV

    I think my mom would have dragged my sorry ass there by a chain behind the truck, regardless.
  12. http://www.abc.net.au/triplej/listenpop/listen_live.htm
  13. Curse you, JayB. You beat me to it.
  14. Job interview at a renewable energy company.
  15. I'd like to see a Celebrity Death Match event between the Titans of Spray.
  16. Lots of people read Marx and Smith and all sorts of things. It's called erudition. You might try it sometime. Or, you can go back to your Idaho bunker and resume with your book burning. Does Marx not give off the same BTUs as Smith? Too lazy to chop a cord of wood?
  17. foraker

    A Farewell to ARM's

    That's what I thought. What's with the unholy fascination with the mortgage industry? Is it like when people like to watch stuff get blown up?
  18. foraker

    A Farewell to ARM's

    Forget mortgage mumbo-jumbo, I'm still trying to figure out what JayB's job is.
  19. not white...pasty white... you mean patsy white certainly NOT james brown
  20. Speaking of hating your job, I have a second interview at 2pm. (actually, it's more like the third interview but I can't really count the nice HR lady who was completely unable to answer most of my questions)
  21. That's probably not the best metric for making a choice about college. "Look, dad, I know it's a tree-hugging hippie college full of drugs, loose women, and you can get a BA in Oppressed Cultures of the World, but they're on the semester system!"
  22. Thanks for the offer, but the Mrs told me to just buy one. Apparently, we have more of a need for one than I thought. Silly husband.
  23. I know this is an odd place to ask this but maybe it might work out. I divested myself of all my 4x5 camera gear and my darkroom gear but I have a number of black and white negatives that I'd like to scan. If you have a flatbed scanner with a 4x5 transparency holder, and are willing to let me borrow it for a short period of time, please let me know.
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