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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Was it Bachar punching Chapman or vice versa?
  2. Mods, plese move this topic to Spray- where the fuck it belongs
  3. i thought we are talking about the pig you were going to fuck.
  4. Don't do a crime if you don't want to do a time. Her DNA on a murder weapon is pretty convincing to me.
  5. Bill, honestly you would not be able to see how the conditions are till you are under these routes due to snow cover at the moment.
  6. Since you brought it up,........ Does that mean that all sportos can lead trad at the same grade they clip at? Or,...what was your point? The point is you can't lead 14a crack if you max out at 10a gear. So sport climbing gets you stronger quicker, as you increase both difficulty and mileage without fear of dying.
  7. Leather Scarpa Freney older (leather) boots size 41. They are used, but in decent shape- pictures upon request. I will charge actual cost of shipping (when ZIP provided), Paypal payment, check OK- but must clear first. They retail new over $300.
  8. I would like FW to fuck a pig as he promised.
  9. Actually a lot, from home turf I can think names like Swenson, also Child. Then you have the whole Patagonia crew from Italy, all these guys are over 50.
  10. Shit man I'm all about training and working hard and making lifestyle sacrifices to get better but giving up eating and drinking beer just to get another letter grade, that's just geh. maybe they have more fun and satisfaction from hard sends and personal improvements, then from getting drunk and complaining how getting old sucks. It's about choices.
  11. Rockies has some good ice, so at the moment is your only real option (flying recommended). I would say there might be some stuff high up along Duffy Lake Road, but most likely is buried under 4m of freshies.
  12. A week ago I drove back through Transcanda- no ice to speak of along the highway, besides the usual Rockies. Pretty much nothing worth climbing east of Field. Maybe one good line on Mt Hunter, but Golden was pretty bare, Rogers Pass already had quite a bit of snow. Went to Baker, a ton of snow, but both Pan Dome and Tabasco Kid were non existent. Some icicles here and there, but mostly snowed up rock.
  13. Like entering into Iraq and starting a religious war wasn't? comparing atheism to nazism just shows how utterly stupid you are.
  14. Neither was old Bush or even Thatcher. Both urged Gorbatchov to stop it, which is fairly well documented.
  15. glassgowkiss

    Palin's Book

    Dude, you should get out more instead of pulling your snake to porn in palin look-a-like. and no, she is not that good looking.
  16. glassgowkiss

    Palin's Book

    Go rent the movie "Nailin' Palin", the Larry Flint and Hustler magazine take for all the best details. No. i love nalin palin... i wish they'd release one about michelle obama and nancy pelosi. Obama's wife doesn't dress like "I'll fuck my way to the top" secretary.
  17. judging by the results the right wing strategy was soooo successful! eat a big shut the fuck up sandwich cunt. pile of shit is your washed up trickle down economic theories, which started it all.
  18. judging by the results the right wing strategy was soooo successful! eat a big shut the fuck up sandwich cunt.
  19. I agree, media hypes it up, but then policy makers try to please public opinion. Like dumping a lot resources into anti-viral research caused antibiotics to fall behind. Another force behind fear mongering are pharmaceutical companies. 10-15 years ago influenza vaccinations were for elderly, children, healthcare workers and such groups- so why do we mass vaccinate general population?
  20. That logic works only with electable governments. However China doesn't give a fuck about people, or how well off they are, so as soon they see we can't pay back it's over.
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