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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Look Sobo, you can think whatever you want. Primo- Bill lives in PDX, so it is Oregon not Washington. Secundo- I thought comprehensive covered car content. It does not in the state on Washington. After my car was broken in I found out about it hard way. I also called pretty much every insurance agent in town and the answer was the same- no it does not cover.
  2. I don't know why Toyota or GM differ from BD or other companies? I am not going to speculate about a fund raiser for non-profit, but this is not what we are talking about here. We are talking well paid slide shows and movies, and a subsequent use of these shows a a part of marketing strategy. I think Blake you should be also aware of your output.
  3. I think this is an answer: "A public performance is one that occurs either in a public place or any place where people gather (other than a small circle of a family or its social acquaintances.) A public performance is also one that is transmitted to the public; for example, radio or television broadcasts, music-on-hold, cable television, and by the internet. Generally, those who publicly perform music obtain permission from the owner of the music or his representative. However, there are a few limited exceptions, (called "exemptions") to this rule. Permission is not required for music played or sung as part of a worship service unless that service is transmitted beyond where it takes place (for example, a radio or television broadcast). Performances as part of face to face teaching activity at a non-profit educational institutions are also exempt."
  4. I made a successful phone call from the summit. I use Verizon, so whoever they have a deal in Canada with has a signal on the very summit. I am not sure about lower down. FYI I also made a successful call from the top of Joffree a few years ago. Things might have changed as there is no longer analog except for 911 calls anywhere in Canada or the US, so the coverage is not as good as a few years back
  5. he is making a vid for youtube as we speak.
  6. I am sure Venezuela is a friggin utopia, but illegal wire taping, renditions and such things will ensure this country is on the way to this friggin paradise as well.
  7. Pete, I think shows at Ouray, Banff, Red Rock Randevous, Squamish are good examples of events drawing several hundreds of viewers and go beyond "a favor to the community" or your "local climbing shop". If they were money losing ventures nobody would organize them.
  8. I think the law is simple enough in the cases I am talking about.
  9. Patagonia falls under "live performance" category. They sponsor a shit load of slide shows with people use copywritten material. Again, I see a big difference between showing some pics at my buddy's house vs. paid gig and part of marketing strategy. These shows do promote products, don't they? I find it strange and frustrating that photographers and videographers are very protective about their work, but they don't think twice about using a music piece without permission.
  10. Sorry, but I don't buy Larry's argument. Using a song in a video, which is subsequently used to promote a product is like using a picture or a part of a book for another promotional purposes. These laws don't strangle creativity- as the matter of fact they promote it. Here is a link to a movie made on a shoe string budget- [video:youtube]
  11. Vehicle content is never covered under car insurance policy, not when it comes to theft. The only time the content would be covered if it gets destroyed during an accident (like breaking transported goods or fire damage if the vehicle catches on fire after the crash). The only policy that will cover theft is home owner/ renter insurance. Broken widow can be covered under car insurance policy. I found out about it hard way, when my car was broken into in Vancouver near MEC. Begging the General's pardon, Sir, but those are some pretty rigid words, Sir, and you are distinctly full of shit, Sir. I know for a fact that my car insurance policy (State Farm) covers the disappearance of the contents of my vehicle, regardless of how those contents may vanish, and regardless of where those contents would normally reside. Mebbe things are different in Canadia, and mebbe your policy just sucks, and mebbe you should stick to spouting "truisms" about shit you might know just a little bit more about, Sir. Again, Taylor, check both of your policies, just to be sure. Hehehe, you'll be unpleasantly surprised- no I am not full of shit, you are. And no- comprehensive doesn't cover non-car content. Period. It will cover your stereo and car content like GPS or car accessories, but not household items.
  12. Vehicle content is never covered under car insurance policy, not when it comes to theft. The only time the content would be covered if it gets destroyed during an accident (like breaking transported goods or fire damage if the vehicle catches on fire after the crash). The only policy that will cover theft is home owner/ renter insurance. Broken widow can be covered under car insurance policy. I found out about it hard way, when my car was broken into in Vancouver near MEC.
  13. Wayne, also the difference is you are not using your films for commercial purposes. I think there is a big difference between posting some film about a climb on youtube and posting a video on BD web page as part of your marketing strategy. As the matter of fact Red Bull always secures permits for their films and slide shows (like for Glovach). Colin most likely made it for personal use, but I think BD should use a better judgement in using such material. This is why it is so important to pay attention to this- a good piece of footage can be unmarketable due to this issue. Some time ago there was a documentary- the problem was music played from the radio in the background. The cost of documentary $1K- cost of clearing music rights- 300K.
  14. Wayne, obtaining "managed rights" to music is almost a full time job. Some smaller labels are easier to deal with, still a major pain. The fees and agreements depend on your source for distribution (DVD, theater screenings, web), and your viewership- like how many copies are you planning on releasing. You can purchase also from sites like: r-f music , also getty will negotiate agreements for you. up to 2500 copies it's usually 10 cents per song per copy. Just post an add to craigslist for local musicians, what they gain is an exposure what you gain is music. A lot of it is great, but only deal with bands without label.
  15. Again, even if you buy a song on ITunes or such sites the usage is limited to "personal use". Promoting a guiding business hardly can qualify as such.
  16. glassgowkiss


    more like "Avatar- How I never fucked a pig".
  17. A theft is a theft is a theft, regardless of the type of property- even if it is intellectual. I don't know why is it OK to use someone else's music for commercial purposes? So what's up with all the videos and slide shows of sponsored athletes, who use music without securing copy rights from the label? Don't musicians deserve a paycheck as well? If you post a youtube video for personal (non-profit) purposes I can understand. However it's hard to comprehend this mentality if a video ends up being a part of a promotional campaign of a multi- million dollar corporations like BD or Patagonia! Here is an expamle vid I know for fact these companies require "model releases" for all their photo submissions, so why isn't the same required for music? I wonder how would a "professional climber" react if his/hers photo was used in an add let's say by a major car company without actually getting paid for it? Another example: vid and blog . WTF? A commercial guiding service promoting themselves, but using other people material to do so? There are options like: "royalty-free music" or your local band looking for exposure (just post a free add on your local craigslist and your mail box will be flooded with responses). BTW- Colin, don't treat this as personal attack, rather a disappointment with BD, who should use a better judgment.
  18. I hope you secured music rights to music by Tool.
  19. glassgowkiss


    did you finally get over your jitters and asked a pig out on a date?
  20. Indeed, Monte Cassino was one of the heaviest and longest battles in Western Europe.
  21. BTW, There is discussion at European forums now that climbers put spit there which is against the "ice climbing ethic". I am not very familiar with the "rules". Generally doesn't look any different then Trophy or SGH in The Rockies. None of these routes are graded WI7+. General consensus among visiting climbers from the Alps, most of the grades there are about 1/2 to full grades easier- so a WI6 in the Alps would be WI5/5+ in the Rockies. The exception might be Norway. The other thing is that there are fewer ice climbers there, particularly climbing harder grades), so these routes go unrepeated for years, while in the Rockies they instantly get gang-banged by locals, so the grades get corrected quicker and there is less tendency to overrate.
  22. [video:youtube] pretty much sums it up
  23. i am sure kk and fw are proud supporters of fat junkie.
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